The Selection of Outstanding Students at Udayana University at University Level in 2024 was Attended by 16 Participants

Denpasar - Udayana University (Unud) held an Internal Selection for the Selection of Outstanding Students (Pilmapres) at University Level in 2024. The selection took place for two days from 25-26 January 2024, located in the Wiswakarma Hall, Faculty of Engineering Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar.

The opening event for the internal selection was also attended by the Head of Student Affairs Bureau and related staff, the Vice Deans for Student Affairs and Information, the Chair and Secretary of the Center for Creativity and Reasoning as well as the Jury Team and other invitees. The Pilmapres selection was attended by 16 participants consisting of 14 participants from the Bachelor program and 2 people from the Diploma program. The selection process consists of judging Creative Ideas (GK)/PI achievements, examining CU (Excellent Achievements) interview files and an English interview test.

Head of the Reasoning and Creativity Unit, Dr. NS. Putu Ayu Sani Utami, who is also the Chief Executive at the opening of this event, said that this internal selection was carried out in order to select students who would be included or compete at regional and national levels. There were 16 participants, consisting of 14 people from the undergraduate program and 2 people from the diploma program. These participants represent various faculties at Udayana University. This selection scheme will continue at the regional level around May and the national level selection will be held in July 2024. The 2024 scheme is somewhat different from the previous year, considering several weaknesses experienced or faced in the past year.

Last year the selection was carried out in April, and seeing that preparations could not be done instantly, this selection activity was brought forward to January and student admissions had been carried out since October last year, so it was hoped that there would be enough time to carry out mentoring and strengthening. Student recruitment for 2025 is planned to be held in September. He hopes for help from the Vice Deans to help inform students, so that preparations for the Presidential Election can be made earlier.

"Hopefully today's activities can run smoothly, the students selected for this Pilmapres activity can truly represent Udayana University in the future," he said.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana in his speech said that we have carried out this process almost every year, of course there are many things that we have to improve from the experience of previous years. Outstanding students from Unud will be role models even though only one will be sent to represent Udayana University. Even though there is only one achievement, its influence is enormous in improving institutions at regional and national levels. These are not instant activities, but have a process. In the future, in each faculty, students with potential will not only be given GPA but what will be emphasized more is activity and creativity, so that later they will be assessed based on various potentials, both superior achievements and others.

In the previous year, students were also asked whether they already had a business or were involved in an NGO. He invited the Vice Deans to be dedicated so that students could take part in all these activities.

"Our achievement at the national level is second runner up, so we are ranked 5th. Hopefully this year we can rise not to runner up but to number one in Indonesia," said the Vice Rector.

The Vice Rector hopes that the relevant units can oversee this matter. His party has also tried to find funding sources to support this.