Faculty of Marine Fisheries, Udayana University, in collaboration with Pukyong National University, South Korea, Holds a Short Course

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) through the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (FKP) in collaboration with Pukyong National University, South Korea is holding an International Short Course with the theme "The International Bali Marine Science and Cultural Short Course". There were 8 students from Pukyong National University and also 8 students from Udayana University who participated in this short course as participants. This International Short Course was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of Unud at the Batur Hall, Samudra Building, FKP Unud, Jimbaran Campus, Friday (19/1/2024).

The International Bali Marine Science and Cultural (IBMC) Short Course will last for 9 days, namely 19 to 27 January 2024 and is a real implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between Udayana University and Pukyong National University which was signed by both parties on 22 July 2022. Short This course is designed to engage international participants in an intensive course program on marine science and Balinese culture and focuses on developing scientific knowledge and creating a beneficial integrative experience for students. As stated in the program guidebook, this short course allows students to expand their studies to tropical environments and conduct research on marine science topics at their home institution.

Dean of FKP Unud Prof. I Wayan Nuarsa in his speech said that one of the topics discussed during his visit to Pukyong National University in 2022 was how to carry out student exchange activities between Unud and Pukyong. This idea was then followed up in more depth through online meetings to discuss this program in more detail and can now be realized in the form of a short course. Through this opportunity, the Dean also expressed his thanks to Pukyong for their contribution to the successful implementation of this short course. There are several activities that will be carried out in this course, including lectures, field observations, laboratory practice and cultural introduction.

Provost of International Affairs Pukyong National University Prof. Hyun Woo Kim expressed his thanks to FKP for preparing this program. Through this program, students from both universities will be able to work together and understand each other. Through this activity, students from each institution can also increase their understanding. We come from two different cultures and through this activity we hope to understand each other. Wise saying in Korea "If we walk alone we can go faster, but if we walk together we can go further."

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Unud, Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja said that during this short course participants will research certain themes in small groups. The course is also enriched with laboratory practicals and field work to enhance the participants' analytical skills. Apart from carrying out scientific activities in the field of marine science, participants will also be introduced to Balinese culture. With all the activities carried out in this activity, it is hoped that participants will get an unforgettable experience. Through this opportunity, the Vice Rector also expressed his gratitude for the cooperation between the two universities.