Discussing Extension of Collaboration, Udayana University Receives a Visit from the Ministry of Health of Timor Leste

Udayana University (Unud) received a visit from the Ministry of Health of Timor Leste at the Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Thursday (18/01/2024). This visit was chaired by Mr Jose Dos Reis Magno as Vice Minister of Health of Timor Leste.

This visit was received directly by the Rector of Udayana University, who was accompanied by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Medicine, Cooperation and Public Relations Coordinator and his staff. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health of Timor Leste was also attended by Mr. Narciso Fernandes, Director, Ms. Erania De Jesus Dos Reis Magno, Secretary to the Vice Minister, Olivia Da Conceicao Alves Nana, Human Resources Coordinator, and Graciano Da Costa Cruz, Health Attaché in Indonesia.

Rector of Udayana University Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana said in this meeting that this visit was aimed at rebuilding the collaboration between Udayana University and the Ministry of Health of Timor Leste which had ended. In this case, Udayana University is very open to institutions both at home and abroad to carry out collaborative activities.

"This is an honor for Udayana University, the Deputy Minister of Health of Timor Leste is present and comes directly to Udayana University to follow up on the collaboration that has ended," said the Rector of Unud.

The Rector said that Udayana University is ready to help and facilitate the needs required by the Ministry of Health of Timor Leste, such as specialist doctors.

Meanwhile, the Vice Minister of Health of Timor Leste, Mr Jose Dos Reis Magno, said that the aim of the visit of the Team from the Ministry of Health of Timor Leste to Udayana University was to continue cooperation in various fields in accordance with the needs of strengthening the Ministry of Health in Timor Leste.

"Through this visit we have received quite complete information about the programs at Udayana University," said the Vice Minister.