Increasing Access to Education, Rector of Udayana University Plans to Establish a Study Program Outside the Main Campus

Badung - Udayana University (Unud) held an Academic Coordination Meeting at the Bali Dynasty Resort, Kuta, Thursday (11/1/2024). The meeting, which was chaired directly by the Rector of Udayana University, discussed several matters, including those related to students completing their study period, exemption from UKT payments, management of General Basic Courses (MKDU) and finalization of the academic calendar. In this meeting, material was also presented regarding the management of the Study Program Outside the Main Campus (PSDKU) by presenting two speakers, namely Dr. Ir. Iwan Kustiwan, MT from the ITB Cirebon Campus Directorate and Anak Agung Ngurah Bagus Mulawarman, ST., MT from Bali State Polytechnic.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana on this occasion said that this meeting discussed several agendas, namely regarding students who had passed their study period, then about PSDKU, UKT payment cut offs, and MKDU. This is also in order to follow up on the issuance of Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023. Meanwhile, regarding PSDKU, the party has invited two resource persons, namely from ITB and PNB who already have PSDKU so that they can discuss its establishment, mechanisms and governance. If possible, the Rector hopes to implement PSDKU at Udayana University.

The Rector further said that there was another agenda related to the academic calendar which had previously been discussed and in this meeting it would be discussed in more depth and explore input from faculty and postgraduate leaders, where there were ideas and policies for increasing the graduation period.

The speaker Dr. Iwan Kustiwan in his material delivered material regarding the experience of organizing and developing PSDKU ITB Cirebon Campus. It was stated that the aim of developing PSDKU is to increase access, equity, quality and relevance of higher education throughout Indonesia; and improving the quality and relevance of scientific research and community service to support national development.

Meanwhile, the speaker Anak Agung Ngurah Bagus Mulawarman also gave a glimpse of the establishment and development of PSDKU at the Bali State Polytechnic. In the discussion, information was explored regarding the impacts and benefits obtained through the establishment of PSDKU.