Udayana University Collaborates with Various Universities to Hold International Conference on Science, Technology and Applications of Additive Manufacturing

Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, attended and at the same time opened the International Conference on Science, Technology and Applications of Additive Manufacturing (ISTA-AM) at the Batukaru room, Inna Sindhu Beach Bali, Sanur, on Thursday, January 4 2023.

In opening this event the Rector said welcome and thank all participants both as speakers and participants who have attended and with various scientific backgrounds and experiences in this conference. It is hoped that this conference will bring benefits and be informative for all participants.

This conference was held in collaboration with several universities in Indonesia and abroad, including the Oregon Institute of Technology (United States) and National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan). Several universities in Indonesia involved as organizers of this conference include Trisakti University, Bina Nusantara University, Prasetya Mulya University, and of course Udayana University which is held through the Faculty of Engineering.

Chair of ISTA-AM 2024, Prof. Arief Budiman, from the Oregon Institute of Technology, on this occasion said that there are three important aspects of Additive Manufacturing (AM) which will be on the conference agenda, including scientific and technological advances in AM research globally, the role of AM in changing the manufacturing industry and the business world, and how AM can change the way colleges/universities train prospective engineers in the world of manufacturing.

This conference presents important people representing various interrelated communities in the field of Additive Manufacturing, including from the world of cutting-edge research which presents world-class researchers such as from Taipei Tech Taiwan, Prof. J.C. Wang, from Oasaka University, Japan, and Nayang National University, Singapore, from Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia regarding the impact of business and industry globally, especially the manufacturing industry in Indonesia and also presented participants from the academic world who provided knowledge related to the development of Additive Manufacturing programs at various universities. in Indonesia.