Udayana University Again Wins Informative Predicate from the Central Information Commission

Udayana University (Unud) again won the Public Information Openness Award as an Informative Public Body for the State University category from the Central Information Commission (KIP). This year's Informative Public Agency achievement is the fourth time that Unud has achieved this in a row since 2020. In 2023, Unud will be included in the top 10 Public Bodies in the Informative category at the Higher Education level.

In receiving the Public Information Openness Award, the Rector of Unud was represented by the Vice Rector for Cooperation and Information Planning, Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika who was present in person to receive the award certificate which was held at the Palace of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Tuesday (19/12/2023).

Chairman of the Central Information Commission, Donny Yoesgiantoro, in his report said that Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Information Openness in 2023 is the 13th activity carried out by KIP. Monitoring and evaluation (Monev) of Public Information Openness aims to determine the implementation of Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information in Public Bodies and optimize the duties and functions of Information and Documentation Management Officers (PPID) as the front guard of information services to the public. Monev in 2023 will be carried out on 369 public bodies from all categories, namely Ministries, State Institutions and Non-Ministerial Institutions, Non-Structural Institutions, Provincial Governments, BUMN, State Universities and Political Parties.

He revealed that the number of public bodies that received informative qualifications this year was 139, 43 public bodies that received informative qualifications, 13 public bodies that received informative qualifications, 27 public bodies that received less informative qualifications, and 27 public bodies that received informative qualifications. uninformative qualifications were 147. "Thank you to all leaders of public bodies who have participated and are committed to Openness of Public Information. Hopefully in the future, the cooperation that has been well established so far will be further improved," said the Chairman of the Central Information Commission.

Meanwhile, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. K.H. Ma'ruf Amin in his direction said, Openness of Public Information is an important element in realizing good governance as well as determining the success of bureaucratic reform programs.

"I have the belief that information transparency is a way to maintain democracy whose ultimate goal is to improve people's welfare," said Ma'ruf Amin.

Apart from that, this award initiated by KIP is also a driving force and encouragement for Ministries and State Institutions to continue to improve in providing openness to public information. This is evident from the increase in the number of ministries and institutions that hold the informative title, from only 15 public bodies in 2018 to 139 public bodies in 2023. On the other hand, the number of public bodies that are not informative has decreased. In 2018, 303 institutions were deemed uninformative, but now in 2023 this will fall to just 147 institutions. Ma'ruf hopes that providing clear and satisfactory public information services can reduce the number of complaints and public information disputes.

"I also hope that KIP will continue to encourage public bodies that are not yet informative to continue to improve their performance. Apart from that, institutional assistance also needs to be strengthened, especially to encourage the formation of KIP at the district/city level, the number of which is currently still minimal," added Ma'ruf Amin.