Udayana University Ormawa PPK Contingent Successfully Wins 2023 Ormawa Abdidaya Award

The Ormawa Abdidaya Program is a performance appreciation program between elements of the service implementation team, student organization support system, accompanying lecturers, university support system, and sustainability partners to continue to be enthusiastic in building villages and increasing student capacity through student organizations.

In 2023 there will be 7 Udayana University Ormawa PPK teams that will qualify for funding from Belmawa, which will be implemented from July to November 2023.

On November 21 2023, it was determined and announced through letter no 8166/E2/RHS/DT.01.01/2023 regarding the Ormawa PPK implementing team, Ormawa, supervisors and partners (village heads) who passed the 2023 Abdidaya award activities which were held on December 7-9 in Jember. Udayana University succeeded in passing the 4 Abdidaya components. This activity also included a poster competition and video of the implementation of PPK Ormawa.

The 2023 Abdidaya Ormawa award won by the Udayana University contingent is in the following categories:

1. Higher Education System Category
Universities With the Strongest Sustainability Embryo (Best 3)

2. Assistant Lecturer Category
Visionary Assistant Lecturer (Best 1) Dr.Ir. Ni Luh Gde Sumardani, S.Pt., M.Sc. PPK Ormawa UKM Scout Racana Udayana-Mahendradatta

3. Student Organization Support System Category
Most Communicative Organization (Best 3) Udayana University Engineering Student Association

4. Implementation Team Category
Team with the Highest Community Participation (Best 1) PPK Ormawa Udayana University Engineering Student Association

Meanwhile, Gunaksa Village won the Sustainability Partner Support System Category with the title of Most Participative Partner (Best 1).

This year's Abdidaya Ormawa activities were attended by 79 universities with 160 implementing teams, 160 Ormawa, 60 accompanying lecturers and 9 selected partners from all over Indonesia based on the assessment process of visitation results by the Reviewer Team.