Udayana University Receives a Visit from the Central Information Commission Team, in the Context of 2023 Public Information Openness Monitoring and Evaluation

Udayana University (Unud) received a Visitation Team from the Central Information Commission (KIP) in the context of Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of Public Information Openness in 2023 at the Language Room of the Unud Jimbaran Campus Rectorate. The Central Information Commission team was received directly by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU accompanied by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. Dr. Dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes.

Also present at this activity were the Bali Province Diskominfos, Head of the General Bureau, Chair of USDI, Cooperation and Public Relations Coordinator, Finance Coordinator, BMN and HR Coordinator/representative, Public Relations Sub-Coordinator and the Udayana University PPID Team.

Rector of Unud Prof. Suardana in his speech said, in accordance with Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning KIP, we at Udayana University in 2017 have established PPID, and after 2019 we have strengthened or revitalized the PPID program in the context of open public information that can be accessed by all levels of society, not only students but also the general public which can be accessed anytime and anywhere.

In 2023, one of the innovation programs in openness will be delivered at Udayana University, where to date Udayana University already has around 58 applications with a total of 142 websites which have been created by the Information Resources Unit (USDI) Team called IMISSU, one of which is is SIDI-A (Asset Digitization Information System) which is useful for informing the public regarding the assets owned and the buildings at Unud. Previously, a presentation was also held in Jakarta on November 30 2023. With this commitment, Udayana University will try as much as possible to implement this openness not only at the rector's head office but also at the faculty level and units at Unud, so that all components must be able to be open with the information you have.

Chairman of the Indonesian Central Information Commission, Donny Yoesgiantoro, on this occasion conveyed the process that had been carried out by Udayana University in taking part in the public examination on November 30 2023. In law number 14 of 2008, KIP only has two tasks, namely first to create/strengthen information services in public bodies including State Universities (PTN), and secondly resolving information disputes. KIP's presence at Udayana University was to see how what had been presented during the public test was implemented. Then, on Tuesday, December 19 2023, there will be a presentation of the public information openness award at the Vice President's palace.

Because this is at a State University, the Chair of KIP appealed to PTNs that are informative and can convey this to PTNs that are not informative, have not been informative or have not participated. In the future, it is hoped that this can be encouraged because state universities are very important, and there are seven public bodies, namely Ministerial Institutions, Non-Ministerial Government Institutions, Non-Structural Institutions including the Provincial Government, BUMN, PTN and Political Parties. So the change agent is usually from an educational institution.

"So, we ask that in the future, Udayana University, which already has several innovations, will look at the PPID, whether it is in accordance with our Information Commission regulations or not, but what is more important is whether literacy has been carried out on students because the public at the university are students," said Chairman of KIP.

Meanwhile, the Commissioner for Public Disputes, Syawaluddin, added that currently there are 149 PTNs under the Ministry of Education and Culture, but only 49 PTNs can take the public test, of which 34 PTNs have reached informative standards. The KIP Law was born quite a long time ago and is also the spirit of a very open reform that provides access to information to the public. There are several things that are in the spirit of this law, namely wanting to encourage community participation, which means that the community at least wants to be involved in what state institutions do and produce, and how they manage finances and make policies. Nowadays, public bodies must immediately adapt and have social media in order to keep up with the rapid flow of information in cyberspace.

Another thing that needs to be done is to provide literacy to the public, both students and other public such as the general public who also need to be part of the stakeholders on the Unud campus. The campus is an agent of change in which to grow future people who will determine the fate of the nation and state in the future, and it is hoped that the campus can also build cultures or characters of information openness.

"So when the Unud campus has become an informative campus, of course we have to build an ecosystem as an open campus base that provides awareness to all parties that openness is not only from PPID, not just the campus, but all the academic community on this campus as well. "implementing the characteristics of openness. Therefore, we must build infrastructure, human resources and environmental support so that the Unud campus becomes an open campus and is attended by the academic community, from the rectorate, faculty, to students," said Syawaluddin.