Udayana University DPM Holds Udayana Dialogue and Rector's Meeting in 2023, Berbahana Harmonizes Sense of Awakening Udayana

Jimbaran, (13/12/23) - The Student Representative Council (DPM) of Udayana University (Unud) held the 2023 Udayana Dialogue and Rector's Meeting at the Nation Room, Bukit Jimbaran Rectorate Building. This dialogue carried the theme "Berbahana Harmonizes Sense of Awakening Udayana" and was officially opened by the Rector of Unud Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU.

Also present at this activity were the Vice Rectors, Deans, along with the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Head of Bureau, Chair of DPM and his staff, Chair of BEM and his staff, Heads of Student Activity Units, and students in the Unud environment.

Chairman of the 2023 Rector's Meeting Committee, I Gede Andika Krisnanda Mudita Putra, in his report said that carrying this theme is a form of concern, as a form of our love as students for Udayana University. Berbahana, we want this activity to be able to become a forum for expressing all the aspirations held by every element of students at Unud. Of course, we all want Unud to have good prospects for the future, that's why this activity is very important to hold this year.

"Let us build Udayana University together, let us unite our feelings, unite our love to build a better Udayana University in the future, and I hope that whatever the results of this activity will not be just a promise but will will be implemented for the future," said Andika.

Chairman of BEM Unud I Putu Bagus Padmanegara in his speech said, even though this event is the end of our period, the essence is that we want to achieve a target goal which in the end has not been achieved today, because we feel that BEM and DPM are also moving not only one by one years, but how do we ensure that when there is a transition in terms of office in the future, there is still communication and strategic direction of movement.

In this forum it was also stated that BEM also has several fields, including having organized national activities and has assisted with these activities which ultimately can help the main achievement indicators at Unud in SIMKATMAWA, and also has the field of community service. In this dialogue, several issues will be raised, namely those related to PTNBH, SPI and ORMAWA. By carrying out this activity in the future, it is hoped that the rectorate, deans and student organizations can collaborate well together.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the DPM Unud I, Kadek Dony Suryadana, said that this activity was an extraordinary momentum, when we could sit together, exchange ideas, discuss what the students themselves were complaining about, what the students themselves wanted from the policy stakeholders on the day. This. Dony hopes that momentum like this can continue to establish how students' interests are the most important interests rather than the interests of existing groups. It is our hope that all those present at this activity can engage in dynamic dialogue systematically in order to find solutions and make Udayana University better in the future.

Rector of Unud Prof. Suardana really hopes that together we can work together and start a new chapter so that in the future our steps and our words are in harmony together for Udayana Jaya. "If there are any issues or problems, it is hoped that students will be able to convey them through dialogue, so that the problem can be resolved properly," said the Rector.