Udayana University Implements SKB for CPNS Lecturers and Selects Additional Technical Competencies for PPPK Online, Participated by 485 Participants

Udayana University (Unud) is carrying out Field Competency Selection (SKB) for Prospective Civil Servants (CPNS) and Additional Technical Competency Selection for Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) for Fiscal Year 2023 which will take place from 9 to 15 December 2023, at at the Denpasar Campus. In this online event, there are 14 rooms and computer laboratories used, located in the Postgraduate Building, Faculty of Medicine, FISIP, Agrocomplex Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Cultural Sciences and Faculty of Law.

The number of participants who took part in the selection was 485 people, with details of CPNS Lecturers totaling 230 people and PPPK totaling 255 people. Previously, participants who took part in this SKB had taken part in the Basic Competency Selection (SKD) at Undiksha, Singaraja. In this SKB, interviews and Micro Teaching are conducted for CPNS Lecturer Participants and only interviews for PPPK. The Rector of Unud accompanied by the Head of the General Bureau and HR Coordinator had the opportunity to directly observe the implementation of this SKB.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in a separate interview said that currently the CPNS and PPPK selection process is being carried out at Udayana University which takes place in several faculties including Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and others. We hope that through this selection we will get quality lecturers and teaching staff in a very open manner and process and this is done from the SKD process, up to the current interview stage.

"So this is truly extraordinary, the government has prepared everything so that we will get the best sons and daughters of Indonesian citizens who will serve at Udayana University. If we get the best staff it will of course support the learning process and everything else at the University Udayana," said Prof. Ngakan.

On the same occasion, Head of the Unud General Bureau, Ni Made Pertami Susilawati, added that the CPNS and PPPK procurement process at Udayana University was carried out through the center. The selection process was previously carried out at Undiksha for all of Bali. The results of the SKD selection carried out at Undiksha were continued with the SKB which is currently taking place at Udayana University. The proposed formation is expected to cover all the needs of lecturers and educational staff at Udayana University, however, the number of formations provided has not been met. Most of the formations provided are for lecturers and health workers. For CPNS lecturers, after taking part in this selection, they will also take part in the next selection process, namely CAT SKB. He hopes that with this PPPK the needs of medical personnel at Unud Hospital can be accommodated and ease the burden on the budget that has been for contract workers.