Udayana University KPRM Appoints Elected Chair and Deputy Chair of BEM on Anti-Corruption Day

Jimbaran (09/12) – The euphoria of the Udayana Democratic Party has led Udayana students to peak momentum, namely the appointment of the elected Chair and Vice Chair of the Udayana University BEM. The essence that is expected in the implementation of this year's General Election (Pemira) is not far from the main issue of student participation in democracy and campus politics. It is hoped that the collaboration of each student element will be able to bring democracy to its ideal point. In line with this, the determination of the Pemira winner also coincides with Anti-Corruption Day which is celebrated on December 9; hints at the importance of the existence of leaders who have integrity, adhere to democratic values, and are "conscious".

After holding elections for 2 (two) days starting on Thursday, 07 December to Friday, 08 December 2023, the 2023 Udayana Student General Election culminates in determining the winner of Pemira. Voting closes on Friday (08/12) at exactly 17.00 WITA. As a result, a total of 7,994 student votes were recorded in the 2023 Pemira, namely a percentage of 31.99% of the Permanent Voter List (24,990). A recapitulation of votes per faculty can be seen in the table below.

The Udayana University (Unud) Student General Election Commission (KPRM) then held an Open Plenary Meeting for Vote Counting and Determination of Pemira Winners on December 8 2023 at the Nation Room, Udayana University Jimbaran Rectorate. This Open Plenary Meeting started at 22.15 WITA and was attended by invited elements of student institutions, namely DPM Unud, BEM Unud, DKPP Unud, Bawasra Unud, as well as Candidate Pairs for Chair and Vice Chair of BEM Serial Numbers 01 and 02 with their respective Success Teams.

In the Open Plenary Meeting, the results of the 2023 Pemira vote recapitulation were presented for the first time. As a result, Candidate Candidate Number 01 received 4,788 votes (59.89%) and Candidate Candidate Number 02 received 3,206 votes (40.1%). Furthermore, based on the Decision of the Bawasra Plenary Session regarding Pemira Violations with Case Numbers 005/P/BAWASRA.UNUD/XII/2023 and 006/P/BAWASRA.UNUD/XII/2023, Candidate Pair for Chair and Vice Chair of BEM Unud Serial Number 02 sanctioned with a vote reduction of 20% + 20% of the number of valid votes. So, Candidate Candidate Number 01 received 4,788 valid votes and Candidate Candidate Number 02 received 2,053 valid votes.

With this, Udayana University KPRM issued Udayana University Student General Election Commission Decree Number 8 of 2023 concerning the Determination of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Udayana University Student Executive Board Elected in the Udayana University Student General Election. Exactly in the early hours of 09 December 2023 at 01.30 WITA, the Elected Chair and Vice Chair of BEM Udayana University Students for the 2024 Period were appointed, namely in the names of I Wayan Tresna Suwardiana and Ricardo Constantio Elim.

The momentum for appointing the top leadership of Udayana University's BEM which coincides with Anti-Corruption Day on December 9 is expected to be a reminder for those elected to carry out the mandate of democracy. The spirit of the leaders of this new student organization should not only stop at just fighting ideas during the campaign, but should really be able to accommodate the articulation of student interests (demands/needs) and formulate them into programs that are not only useful, but also sustainable.