Udayana University Socializes the Development of an Integrity Zone Towards a Corruption Free Area

In the context of developing an Integrity Zone (ZI) towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) within Udayana University, the ZI WBK Development Socialization activity was carried out in the Nation Room, Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (06/12/2023).

Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance Prof. I Gst. Bgs. Wiksuana, who is also the Chair of the Unud Bureaucratic Reform Team, in his speech said that based on the decision of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology number 228/U/2023, all faculties and postgraduates are required to build an Integrity Zone (ZI) towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK).

The current condition at Udayana University is that only one faculty has built ZI and has been using it as a pilot project since 2021, and in 2023, the Faculty of Economics and Business at Udayana University has received the ZI title from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology. "We need to appreciate the Faculty of Economics and Business which is the pilot project to build an Integrity Zone at Udayana University in the future," said the Vice Rector.

Furthermore, the Vice Rector said that the socialization carried out presented two resource persons from the Ministry of Education and Culture's Integrity Zone team with the hope that the participants could hear about the ministry's policies and understand what must be done in 2024.

At the university level, a bureaucratic reform team has been formed whose task is to facilitate the development of ZI in all faculties and postgraduate studies at Udayana University. ZI construction begins with the ZI launching stage which is planned to be carried out on December 29 2023 which will be combined with the year-ending event.

"The launch of ZI itself is a confirmation of Unud to improve public services and echo the spirit of anti-corruption, where one of the follow-up actions from the Rector of Unud was through a circular regarding the development of an Integrity Zone towards a Corruption Free Area and a ban on the practice of illegal levies at Udayana University," said Vice Rector.

This socialization presents two speakers, namely Muhammad Ali Akbar, S.E., MBA who will convey strategies for accelerating bureaucratic reform through ZI development and Alexander Ari Adi Saputro, S.Tr. who will convey information regarding Higher Education Inspiration, moderated by Dr. I Wayan Gayun Widharma.

#reformasibirokrasi #zonaintegritas