JUPI Udayana University Provides Assistance for Journal Managers Towards Global Reputation

Denpasar - The Journal and Scientific Publication Unit (JUPI) of Udayana University (Unud) held an Unud Journal Development activity towards a Global Reputation, taking place at the Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur, Monday (27/11/2023). This event was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Udayana University by presenting guest speaker Prof. Dr. Muji Setiyo, ST., MT (Muhammadiyah University of Magelang), guided by moderator Made Widya Jayantari, ST., MT. Meanwhile, the material presented was about the Strategy for Increasing National Accreditation Ranking, International Indexation Strategy and Assistance with Registration with Arjuna and International Indexation.

JUPI Unit Chair Gusti Ayu Putu Candra Dharmayanti, Ph.D in his report said that there were 10 universities invited to take part in this activity consisting of Bali State Polytechnic, ISI Denpasar, Mahasaraswati University, Undiknas, Warmadewa University, Ngurah Rai University, Mahendradatta University, UNHI, Universitas Dwijendra, and UHN I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar with a total of 60 participants.

"This activity is a mentoring activity provided by JUPI. This is the third activity, where in one year JUPI carries out three training and mentoring sessions aimed at providing refreshment and training for journal managers," said the Chairman of JUPI.

He added that the rules for journal accreditation are dynamic, and of course there will definitely be changes, so the resource person is expected to be able to provide shortcut strategies so that managers can be more agile in increasing rankings, as well as opportunities for global or international indexation. Currently, there are 2 journals at Unud that have been accredited with SINTA 1 ranking, 11 journals for SINTA 2, 27 journals for SINTA 3, 33 journals for SINTA 4, 20 journals for SINTA 5 and 1 journal for SINTA 6. For global indexation, DOAJ has 39 journals, Web of Science has 3 journals and Scopus has 2 journals.

This year five journal managers have registered with Scopus, although three were rejected and will later be corrected and two more are still in process. In this activity there are also several journals that are ready to be published in Scopus. He hopes that this activity will be useful for journal managers in their respective work units.

Meanwhile the Vice Rector Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja in opening this event said that journal accreditation is an official recognition of the quality assurance of scientific journals by assessing the fairness of manuscript screening, appropriateness of management and timeliness of journal publication. Accreditation ranking shows the quality of a journal. His party appreciates and supports the JUPI team's initiative to continue to improve the ranking of journals at Unud, assisting in the preparation of several journals that have entered the reaccreditation period and several new journals (which have not yet been accredited) that need to prepare themselves to apply for SINTA accreditation.

To increase the ranking or grade of the journal, an event was held for the Development of Unud Journals towards Global Reputation, with the aim of providing strategies for journal managers to improve the quality of their governance towards journals that are capable of being indexed internationally.

"From this activity, we hope that journal managers will become more enthusiastic so that in the coming year, more journals at Unud will be globally indexed. Apart from that, journals that have not yet been accredited will immediately be accredited, and journals that are currently undergoing reaccreditation will have their SINTA rankings increased," said Prof. Rai.