Udayana University Signs MoU with PT Berdikari, PKS is connected to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Udayana University (Unud) has established a collaboration with PT Berdikari which was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Tuesday (21/11/2023). This activity also included the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Unud and PT Berdikari, which was followed by a Public Lecture.

The MoU signing event was attended by the Rector of Unud, Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, the Dean of FKH and the Vice Deans along with staff and students. Meanwhile, PT Berdikari was attended by Group Head Corporate Secretary & Social Responsibilities, Aas Syiarudin Hasbi Al-Islahi and Group Head Marketing, Teddy Margamulia.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech expressed his gratitude for the collaboration established by PT Berdikari which was initiated by the Dean of FKH Unud. The Rector hopes that this MoU can be followed up with other collaborations. It doesn't just stop at the MoU but is followed up through PKS. Through this MoU and PKS, this can be followed up by sending interns and other activities related to this collaboration which are expected to provide benefits for both parties.

"The MoU initiated is not only with FKH, we hope that with other faculties, with other study programs, we hope it can also be implemented perhaps with animal husbandry, where the fields are from upstream to downstream, there are animal husbandry and so on," said Prof Ngakan.

The Rector is also very open to accepting PT Berdikari to carry out collaboration in other related fields such as Human Resources. This MoU is expected to have a positive impact on Udayana University and PT Berdikari.

Meanwhile, PT Berdikari's Group Head Corporate Secretary & Social Responsibilities, Aas Syiarudin Hasbi Al-Islahi, said that PT Berdikari as a state-owned livestock company should not only run as usual but must take a leap, where this leap is a big dream in growing the company. Where there are three concentrations of the leadership of PT Berdikari, namely animal husbandry, animal health and business competition. PT Berdikari has good intentions and wants to work together with campuses and research centers to look for superior seeds, not only products but also human resources. The big hope for this MoU is not just to sign it but to be followed up with a cooperation agreement which of course takes many forms from a student affairs perspective. Through this opportunity, the party also conveyed the opportunity for innovations on campus to enter industry through PT Berdikari.