Sharing Government Knowledge with the Community, Udayana University Collaborates with DJKN to Organize DJKN Goes to Campus

Udayana University (Unud) through State Property (BMN), the General Bureau in collaboration with the Directorate General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance held the DJKN Goes to Campus Udayana University activity "2023 KiTa APBN and Management of State Property", which took place in the Nusantara Room, Agrokompleks Campus Building Sudirman Denpasar, Tuesday (21/11/2023). This activity, which also took place hybrid, was attended by students at Udayana University. This activity presented two presenters (1) State Revenue and Expenditure Budget presented by the Head of the Information Section Yuniantoro Sudrajad and (2) BMN Management and Integrity in Combating Corruption by the Head of PKN Desak Putu Jeny.

Head of Kanwil DJKN Bali Nusra, Sudarsono in his speech said that DJKN is one of the Echelon I units under the Ministry of Finance. DJKN has 17 regional offices throughout Indonesia, one of which is in Bali Nusra. The Regional Office of DJKN Bali Nusra coordinates three provinces, namely Bali, NTT and NTB; who on this occasion carried out outreach regarding the existence of DJKN to students at Udayana University. Of course, many students ask what DJKN is, DJKN is one of the institutions under the Ministry of Finance that manages assets. Udayana University is in a position as an asset user and in optimizing asset use refers to the PMK. DJKN also has functions in the asset auction process, assessing asset limits, managing state receivables. Through this activity, the Regional Head of DJKN Bali Nusra expressed his appreciation to the Rector of Udayana University and the academic community who were willing to provide the opportunity for discussion. In the future, it is hoped that this synergy and coordination can be further improved.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech expressed his appreciation and full support for DJKN Goes to Campus activities as part of sharing government knowledge with the community, especially students, so that it can increase students' insight and knowledge, especially in the areas of the APBN and management of state assets.

"Managing state wealth or assets is no longer about providing public services at the lowest possible cost, but is more focused on effective use of assets, cost-saving, increasing state revenue, adding value to government investment, and improving governance. Learning from developed countries, there is no money, goods, and capital that are idle, everyone is forced to work hard to produce value. We have to be like that, don't let a single item be left to chance," said Prof. Ngakan.

It was further explained that in managing state assets, Udayana University has built two supporting systems, namely the Asset Digitization Information System (SIDI-A), which is a system for displaying information on Udayana University's assets in the form of land and buildings and the rooms in them. SIDI-A aims to make it easier to record assets digitally and make it easier for students and the general public to access information related to land assets, buildings, laboratories, libraries and their facilities at Udayana University as a form of public information disclosure. Udayana Inventory Information System (SI-ISYANA) which aims to help find out and process Udayana University Inventory data and check item data via QR Code.

Through the DJKN Goes to Campus program, it is hoped that students can broaden their knowledge, care more and understand the importance of national wealth and DJKN, and that students will participate in safeguarding national wealth. In this event, an auction simulation was also carried out by the Denpasar KPKNL Auctioneer and also a Quiz.