Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) Holds National Leadership Meeting at Udayana University

Jimbaran - The 2023 National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas) of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) was held at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Udayana University (Unud), Jimbaran Campus, Monday (20/11/2023). The National Rapimnas, which was attended by hundreds of PII members from central, regional and branch management, was opened directly by the General Chair of PII, Dr. Ir. Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga M.Eng.Sc., IPU.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana as the host of the venue in his speech said that Udayana University is committed to supporting the development of quality and innovative human resources in the field of engineering and engineers. Engineers are agents of innovation. Let's encourage innovation in every step we take to create effective and efficient solutions to various problems faced by society. Udayana University believes that sustainability of innovation and research is the key to success in facing global challenges. Let's together encourage research that has a positive impact and produces solutions to various complex problems.

"We hope that this Rapimnas will be an important momentum in formulating directions and policies that will advance the engineering profession in Indonesia. Collaboration between universities, the engineering profession and the government is very crucial to achieving common goals," said Prof. Ngakan.

Udayana University is ready to contribute to producing engineer graduates who not only have high technical skills, but also have the values ​​of honesty, ethics and social responsibility. Apart from that, his party is committed to promoting the dissemination of technology and innovation in society, so that the benefits of technological progress can be felt by all levels of society.

In this National Meeting, a Plenary Meeting will also be held where there are five things that will be determined, namely regarding organizational regulations, vocational bodies, engineering expertise associations, internal supervisory units as well as regarding IABEE and Lamteknik PII.