Udayana University International Affairs Office Holds 3rd International Education & Culture Festival, Introducing Living Education and Culture Abroad

Denpasar - The International Affairs Office (KUI) of Udayana University (Unud) held the 3rd International Education & Culture Festival (Education Exhibition and Culture Performance) at the Nusantara Room, Agrokompleks Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, 16 - 17 November 2023. This activity involved Udayana University partners, namely Consulate General of Japan, Consulate General of India, Consulate General of Australia, American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF), IDP Education Bali, Education USA (Edusa), Tourism Confucious Institute (TCI) Udayana University, Naresy International Education Consultant (NIEC), Indonesia Britain Education Center (IBEC), Education Malaysia Indonesia, Bali Seum Hangul School, and Synergy Academy Indonesia.

KUI Unud Coordinator Putu Ayu Asty Senja Pratiwi, Ph.D on this occasion said that this activity was one of the internationalization programs at Udayana University so that it would become more well known internationally. As part of the internationalization program, this two-day event will encourage friendly international relations with the Consulate General and partners through strengthening education, culture, human resources and social cooperation. On the first day of the event, nine presentations are scheduled where a lot of information about studying and living abroad will be given to students along with information about scholarship opportunities and how to apply. Apart from presentations, students can also visit each partner's booth to hear and get further information about studying abroad.

Studying abroad requires us to know not only the regional language but also the cultural way of life and regional cuisine. Therefore, on the second day there will be international cultural and culinary performances from Australia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, China, India and many more. This will provide an overview of the native culture and help students feel more connected to the country they are going to. More than 500 students from Udayana University and other Balinese universities were invited to attend this activity.

"We hope that through this event the collaboration between Udayana University and the Consulates General and partners will be further strengthened and more and more opportunities for cooperation will be opened, and students and lecturers at Udayana University will have the opportunity to study and carry out research collaborations with universities abroad," said Senja Pratiwi.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika said that this event was a very important event for students to gain more information and insight regarding studying and living abroad. Before studying abroad, there are many things you need to prepare. Participating in this educational festival will also provide a wealth of knowledge and enable students to plan for the future.

"Studying abroad offers the opportunity to become fully immersed in a diverse world, and will gain knowledge about the different cultures, customs and practices of the individuals you encounter. The experiences gained will not only shape your education but also broaden your horizons, thereby enhancing your abilities. to develop in the global job market," said the Vice Rector.

He hopes that this activity will increase the number of students studying abroad. Through this opportunity the Vice Rector also expressed his appreciation to the Consulate General and partners who have supported Udayana University.