Increasing HR Capabilities in Publication, Unud Holds Workshop on Adaptation to the Digitalization Era in Publication Activities Towards Internationalization

Udayana University (Unud) through the Spokesperson Team carried out a Workshop on Adaptation to the Digitalization Era on Publication Activities Towards Internationalization on Tuesday (14/11/2023), at the Bali Dynasti Resort, Kuta. This workshop is a routine activity held twice a year targeting the Unud academic community, especially the Team from the Information Management and Cooperation Unit (UPIKS) in each Faculty. Also present were the Vice Rector for Cooperation and Information Planning, the Coordinator of the Unud International Affairs Office, the Head of the UPT Language Lab UPT, and the Head of the UPT Library.

This workshop presented four speakers who were qualified in their fields, namely Putu Ayu Asty Senja Pratiwi, S.S., M.Hum, Ph.D as KUI Coordinator with material on Internationalization (Developing English Language Skill), A. A. Istri Ita Paramitha, S.Pd., M. Kom as Coordinator of the Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Technology and Design, Primakara University with material on Managing Websites: Making Websites more Attractive, Ni Luh Putu Galuh Prabasari, S.IKom. from TVRI Bali with material on Techniques for Preparing Interesting Publication News, and Dea Rangga Kuncoro, S.H. as Content Creator with material on Creating and Presenting Aesthetic Video Publications. Apart from that, 13 Unud media partners were also invited.

Chairman of the Workshop Committee Dr. Dede Setyadi Mustika. S.E. M.Si in his report stated that the aim of holding this workshop was to increase the capacity of Human Resources (HR) within Unud in the context of preparing and publishing activities for good news, so that it is easily absorbed by the public. The aim is that various positive information and achievements produced by the Unud academic community can be conveyed well to all elements of society.

The workshop will be held for two days, namely from 14 - 15 November 2023. The hope of carrying out this activity is that the UPIKS Team will obtain additional material in the field of publication, so that after attending this workshop it can be implemented in preparing news in their respective Work Units.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Cooperation and Information Planning, Prof. Dr. Dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes, in opening this workshop, said that framing and story telling regarding the existence of an institution to the public are things that cannot be taken lightly. For this reason, it is very important to pay attention to how efforts are made to build a positive image of an institution. Of course, human resources who have adequate competence are really needed in the context of framing and story telling. The Vice Rector also expressed his thanks to the media partners who attended and hoped that the presence of the media could assist as facilitators and help with skills and understanding of publication activities for workshop participants.