Of the 1,140 KIP Quotas for 2023 at Udayana University, only 838 Have Been Absorbed

The Udayana University (Unud) Student Affairs Bureau held Technical Guidance on the Introduction to the Timely Learning System and Development of National and State Life (karter education) for Students Receiving KIP Lecture Class of 2023, located at the Widyasbha Building, Udayana University, Monday (13/11/2023).

Chair of the activities committee, Ketut Desi Anggraeni Sulistiawati, in her report said that the KIP recipient components were divided into 2, namely KIP for education costs with living costs and KIP for education costs without living costs. Of the total 1,140 KIP scholarship quotas, currently 838 have been absorbed and there is still remaining quota which if not absorbed will be returned to the government. Based on the absorption capacity of the KIP quota, it can reflect the increasing standard of living of students because not all students are absorbed. The aim of implementing this technical guidance is so that KIP recipients have character and responsibility, as well as excel in both academic and non-academic fields and understand their rights and obligations as KIP recipients.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., PhD. in his speech he advised that KIP students must graduate on time and later become alumni of Udayana University who have a sense of nationality and uphold the values ​​of Pancasila and UUD 45. KIP is not given to all students, but to students who have special requirements, therefore the recipients KIP must be able to utilize government facilities that have been provided with full responsibility.

This technical guidance activity presented three resource persons, namely the Head of the Scholarship Development Unit, Dewa Gede Pradnya Yustiawan, SH., MH who delivered material on the Utilization of Living Costs to Support Academic Activities, Komang Rahayu Indrawati, S.Psi., M.Si from the Psychology Study Program which presented material on Character Education for KIP College Students class of 2023, and the third was Dr. Ir. Ketut Sardiana, M.Si who presented material regarding the introduction of MBKM KIP Lecture Recipients class of 2023.