Udayana University Collaborates with the Indonesian Young Scientist Association to Hold the 2023 International Science and Invention Fair

Udayana University (Unud) collaborates with the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (ISYA) to hold the 2023 International Science and Invention Fair (ISIF) at the Widyasabha Auditorium, Unud Jimbaran Campus, Tuesday (07/11/2023). This ISIF activity is also coupled with the implementation of the Invention and Innovation Fair (IIF), National Research Teacher Competition (NRTC), International Research Teacher Competition (IRTC).

President of the Indonesian Young Scientist Association Deni Irawan, M.Pd. In his speech, he expressed his gratitude to Udayana University for its collaboration in organizing this activity. ISIF is the biggest activity of the Indonesian Young Scientist Association, the first of which was held in Bali in 2019, while in 2020 and 2021 it was held online due to the pandemic situation.

In 2022, ISIF activities will be held at Ganesha University of Education where more than 400 teams from 30 countries will participate, and in 2023 ISIF will be held again at Udayana University where 685 teams from 28 countries will participate. "Thank you to the participants from various countries who attended this event," said the President of the Indonesian Young Scientist Association.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika said that it was an honor for Udayana University to host ISIF 2023. On this occasion, the Vice Rector also gave a glimpse of Udayana University. Hosting ISIF is one way to realize internationalization at Udayana University.

ISIF is an international competition organized by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association. This activity was attended both online and offline by students from various countries who showed their work or research in front of judges and other visitors. "Let's show your talents and best performance in the fields of science and research at ISIF 2023," said the Vice Rector.