Udayana University Participates in the Monitoring and Evaluation Forum of the Geospatial Information Infrastructure Development Center (PPIIG)

The Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) is holding a Monitoring and Evaluation Forum (Monev) for the 2023 Geospatial Information Infrastructure Development Center (PPIIG) at the Bali Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel, Tuesday (7/11/23). The monitoring and evaluation implementation was attended by the Deputy for Geospatial Information Infrastructure, the Rector of Udayana University, the Head of the IG Standardization and Institutional Center, the Vice Rector for Planning, Budgeting and Cooperation at Sam Ratulangi University, the Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Information Systems and Cooperation at Bangka Belitung University, as well as PPIIG Representatives. from all over Indonesia.

Head of the Center for Geospatial Information Standardization and Institutions, Dr. Sumaryono, at the opening of this event, said that this activity was a signal of the importance of Geospatial Information, where Geospatial Information is a term that is well known internationally. This event is a series that has been designed by everyone, especially BIG as the coordinator of the national geospatial information organizer which is mandated by Law Number 4 of 2011, which is a law which is also very unique in the world regarding Geospatial Information. This is a very extraordinary large system and PPIIG is a key element as a partner of BIG and is a breakthrough in extraordinary dynamics, where BIG in developing the region requires partners with the best people, as pioneers in the region for implementing geospatial information networks .

Initially, collaboration was carried out with universities, apart from that, collaboration with universities was carried out by establishing the Center for Spatial Data Infrastructure Development (PPIDS) and began to develop with the new law changing its name to the Center for Geospatial Information Infrastructure Development (PPIIG). Currently, PPIIG has demonstrated several successes by bringing several regions (at the provincial to district/city level) to the podium to become contestants for the best geospatial information providers throughout Indonesia. "With this communication forum, it is hoped that two-way communication can continue to be developed so that our unity will all become stronger and we can express all forms of brilliant ideas in this forum," said Dr. Sumaryono.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU welcomed the 2023 PPIIG Monitoring and Evaluation Forum event, because Udayana University as a BIG collaboration partner was given the opportunity to be involved and contribute to the development of network nodes in Bali, both helping in the scope of development regulations, institutions, preparation of standardized basic and thematic data, and especially in increasing the human resource capacity needed by regions to build network nodes.

This is a matter of pride for Udayana University because BIG has been given the trust to form PPIIG at Udayana University, by continuing to provide opportunities to increase the capacity of PPIIG human resources as well as facilitation to play a role in the development and implementation of geospatial information in Bali, providing real support in the form of grants for information infrastructure equipment geospatial. PPIIG Udayana University was born on September 30 2014 in accordance with the MOU signed between BIG and Udayana University. "We hope that what is entrusted as an extension of BIG can be implemented well. "That is why we really need the support of all parties and all stakeholders so that the role of PPIIG UNUD can be carried out well," said Prof. Ngakan.

Until now, Unud does not have a Faculty of Earth Science, but Udayana University has human resources (HR) with an earth background, such as remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), geomorphology, cartography, and energy. support in the field of information technology. Based on the main tasks of PPIIG Unud, the role of universities is very strategic in contributing to welcoming and realizing Indonesia's One Data Policy, by assisting provincial and district/city governments in preparing and enriching content for geospatial information network (IG) nodes in Bali Province. In accordance with the mandate of existing laws and regulations, together with the Governor of Bali and all existing OPDs, PPIIG Unud is ready to support the development of network nodes in the regions and the center.