Three Students from the Faculty of Tourism at Udayana University Study Research at BRIN Jakarta

Jakarta, 3 November 2023 - Three students participating in the Merdeka Belajar Campus Merdeka Research (MBKM Research) Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University accompanied by their supervisor and Vice Dean 1 visited the Jakarta Office of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) on Friday (3/11). This visit was the beginning of a week-long visit to BRIN as part of the MBKM Mandiri LPPM Unud Research program.

The three students from the Bachelor of Tourism study program consisted of Ni Ketut Ripa Cahyani Putri, Chiki Welly, and I Made Sudarsana. This visit aims to broaden students' insight regarding the research process as well as strengthen collaboration between universities and government research institutions. In the MBKM Research scheme, the Faculty of Tourism hired a BRIN social researcher, namely Gusti Ketut Ayu Surtiari, M.Si. as a research supervisor for students.

In his speech, Dr. Nawawi, MA (Head of the Population Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency/PRK-BRIN), stated the importance of collaboration between universities and national research institutions in improving the quality of education and research in Indonesia. "This visit provides a valuable opportunity for MBKM Research students to learn from experts and practitioners at BRIN. Hopefully this experience can inspire them to contribute to the development of science and innovation in various fields," he said.

During the visit, students were invited to discuss by BRIN researchers about the research projects currently being carried out. They were also given the opportunity to ask experts directly about research methodology, the role of technology in innovation, challenges faced in developing science and opportunities for scholarships to higher levels before becoming expert researchers. During the 6 day visit (3-8 November 2023) students had the opportunity to 'work' like a BRIN researcher. They can use the work space at the BRIN office, work outdoors in Megamendung Bogor, look for references in the BRIN digital library, and live in the BRIN mess/dormitory. Everything is under the accompaniment of BRIN research partners.

Dr. Nawawi, MA together with Gusti Ayu Ketut Surtiari, M.Si (Ali Madya Researcher, Population and Disaster Studies Research Group, PRK-BRIN) welcomed the visit of Udayana University Research MBKM students. "We hope that in the future there will be more serious cooperation between BRIN and Unud, both in terms of research, providing scholarships and publishing research journals," he added.

Vice Dean 1 of the Faculty of Tourism, Nyoman Sukma Arida, hopes that the opportunity to collaborate directly supervised by BRIN researchers can be utilized as well as possible by the three students. “This is a rare opportunity that other students in the faculty cannot get. "Use it well to learn to research and create articles by successfully publishing them in the targeted Sinta 3 journal and of course gain as much research and writing knowledge as possible with BRIN researchers."

At the end of the visit, students and supervisors expressed their appreciation to BRIN for the warm reception and valuable knowledge they had gained. With newfound enthusiasm, they will return to Udayana University with the hope of applying the knowledge and skills they acquired in the research they carry out in the future. (RC, AM)