LPPM Unud Holds FGD Guidelines for Management of Intangible Assets and Incentive Guidelines for Publication of Scientific Articles in Reputable International Journals

The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Udayana University (Unud) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Intangible Asset Management (ATB) Guidelines and Incentive Guidelines for Publication of Scientific Articles in Internationally Reputable Journals, which took place at Bali Tropical Resort & Spa Nusa Dua , Thursday (26/10/2023).

Chairman of LPPM Udayana University, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, M.Si said that the background to implementing this activity was the existence of ATB which was not utilized in higher education operations, in this case Udayana University. Apart from that, the presentation of ATB is still not orderly and many patents and copyrights have not been reported as ATB since 2019. It is hoped that the participants present will provide input regarding the management of ATB and input regarding the preparation of Incentive Guidelines for Publication of Scientific Articles in Journals of International Reputation.

This FGD activity was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P., IPU. In his speech, he stated that Intangible Assets are institutional assets that do not have a physical form, but have long-term use and must have measurable value, so there is a need for guidance and guidance in their management. One of the ATBs that many Udayana University have is a Patent Certificate which is not well organized. On this occasion the Vice Chancellor expressed his appreciation to LPPM and all the teams involved for initiating this FGD.

This FGD presented a resource person, the Head of the Bureau of Finance and State Property, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology who delivered material related to the Management of Intangible Assets, State Property, as well as the Udayana University Intangible Asset Management Guide Team and the Incentive Guide Team for Publication of Scientific Articles in Internationally Reputable Journals.