The Highlight of the 65th Anniversary Celebration of the Faculty of Humanities and the 42nd BKFIB "Synergy in Harmony Towards a Superior, Independent and Cultured FIB"

The Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University (FIB Unud) held the peak celebration of its 65th birthday and the 42nd anniversary of the Badan Kekeluargaan FIB Unud (BKFIB) on Saturday, September 30 2023. The peak of this celebration was held after being combined with the implementation of various academic and non-academic starting from 22 – 27 September 2023.

The peak of the celebration of the 65th FIB Anniversary and the 42nd BKFIB was attended by the Rector, Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Deans in the Unud environment, the Dean of FIB and his staff, Head of the Unud Language UPT, Chair of the FIB Unud Senate, Program Coordinators Studies, Unit Heads, and all FIB Unud academics.

Dean of FIB Unud, Prof. Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum., in her speech explained the theme carried in this FIB's 65th anniversary celebration. The theme of the 65th FIB and 42nd BKFIB anniversary celebrations this time is Synergizing in Harmony Towards a Superior, Independent and Cultured FIB. The choice of this theme is none other than our hope that the entire FIB Unud academic community, including students, lecturers and staff, will work more closely together and synergize to create an FIB that is increasingly advanced, superior, independent and cultured.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng, IPU, in his speech wished FIB Unud a happy birthday. He hopes that FIB Unud will be even more successful in the future and will always have a place in the hearts of the people. He also emphasized that the university will always support the faculty to become better.

“We at the university will always provide support to faculties, including FIB, to become better. The way we manage the university is by viewing all faculties at the same level, not differentiating one from another. One example is the use of lecture buildings, where all students from any study program, any faculty, study in the same building, with the same good facilities," said Prof. Antara.

The peak activity of the 65th FIB and 42nd BKFIB Anniversary celebrations began with holding a flag rally at the west parking and east parking of FIB Unud which was followed by a series of peak events. All study programs took part in enlivening the event, starting from the Balinese Literature study program which presented bondres performances, Yasakoi dance from the Japanese Literature study program, modern dance from the English Literature study program, poetry readings by the Indonesian Literature study program, song performances by Archeology study program, standup comedy by the History study program, traditional and modern dance performances by the Anthropology study program and various other entertainment events.