Udayana University International Affairs Office Holds IISMA 2024 Preparation, Targets Increase in Awardees

The Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) is one of the most prestigious events held every year by DIKTI and has an increasing number of enthusiasts among students. The International Affairs Office (KUI) of Udayana University (Unud) held an IISMA 2024 Preparation workshop entitled "How to Face an Interview and Write an Essay" on Tuesday (26/9) at the KUI Denpasar Office to prepare students at Unud who will take part in this event in 2024.

KUI Coordinator Dr.Eng. Ir. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki., ST., MT., M.Eng., IPM opened this event and also gave a presentation as a speaker on the topic of Outbound Programs at Udayana University including IISMA, IISMAVO, IISMA Co-Funding, ICT, and programs- other programs that have been implemented by KUI.

The second speaker was Ambarizky Trinugraheni as a representative from Education USA, which is an education agency in the United States. In this session, tips are given that can help create effective and interesting essays as well as tips for facing interviews. It is known that these two things are the biggest factors that determine whether participants pass or not. In this session, direct training was also given to participants in writing short essays which were then discussed along with the results to determine the quality of the essays.

Unud students' interest in taking part in the IISMA event is very high, this can be seen from the enthusiasm of the students taking part in the workshop which was followed by the many questions asked by the participants to the resource persons. Seeing this enthusiasm, Dr. Pujianiki really hopes that the number of Unud awardees who pass this event in 2024 can increase. KUI also plans to hold a similar event in November to provide an opportunity for students who have not had the chance to attend this event.