Udayana University Collaborates with the Ministry of Finance to Hold SDG Talks Series 3 "Towards 2030: Innovation, Collaboration and Action for SDGs"

Denpasar - SDG Talks Series 3, Towards 2030: Innovation, Collaboration and Action for SDGs was held in the Postgraduate Hall of the Udayana University (Unud) Denpasar Campus, Friday (22/9/2023). This activity presented several speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, S.P., M.P., IPU, ASEAN Eng. (Acting Postgraduate Director, Udayana University); Setyo Budiantoro (Manager of the Economic Development Pillar of the SDGs National Secretariat, Bappenas); Nila Murti (Assist JP National Project Manager, UNDP Indonesia); Norma MP Manopo, S.Pi., M.Si (Maritime and Fisheries Education Center, KKP); Hasatama Hikmah (Chair of the Preparedness and Mitigation Working Team, Ministry of Social Affairs); IGAA Widiastuti, S.T. (Director of the Kalimajari Foundation); Chandra A.S Wibowo (Head of Subdirectorate of SUN Market Development and Deepening, SUN Directorate).

Vice Director for General Affairs, Finance and Postgraduate Cooperation at Udayana University Dr. I Gusti Ayu Putri Kartika in her report said that this activity was carried out in collaboration between the Directorate of Government Debt Securities, the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management, the Ministry of Finance and the Unud Postgraduate Program, which aims to increase public awareness of the importance and progress of Indonesian SDG financing during the decade of Action, as well as strengthening collaboration and share knowledge in achieving the SDGs and the role of various sectors such as government, private sector, civil society and academia in achieving the goals. Through this activity, discussions were also held regarding achievements, challenges and things that must be done by related parties, including the government, private sector, academics, development partners and also NGOs, NGOs in achieving the SDGs. With this activity, it is hoped that it can encourage wider stakeholders at both national and regional levels to take part in the sustainable financial landscape in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Udayana University in his speech which was read by the Acting Postgraduate Director, Prof. I Wayan Budiasa said that the SDG Talk Series 3 activity was closely related to one of the Study Programs at Unud, namely the Sustainable Development and Finance Study Program, a Masters Program at Udayana University whose opening permit was recently issued. The opening of the study program is an implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between Bappenas and Udayana University and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Financial Services Authority and Udayana University. The opening of this study program is considered very urgent, because its contribution is really needed to answer global, national and local problems related to achieving SDGs and implementing sustainable financial policies, which have become Indonesia's commitment.

Sustainable Development and Finance Study Program, Master's Program at Udayana University is expected to become the first Center of Excellence in Sustainable Finance and Development in Indonesia (even in Asia), and the second in the world after The Master of Advanced Studies in Sustainable Finance and Development, Geneva Graduate Institute, Switzerland. On behalf of Udayana University, we would like to express our gratitude to the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management, Ministry of Finance for their choice to collaborate with Udayana University in organizing SDG Talk Series 3, and Udayana University will continue to encourage increased cooperation in the Tridharma of Higher Education activities on an ongoing basis in the future. come.

Director of Government Debt Securities, Deni Ridwan, S.E. Ak., M.BIT., Ph.D said that SDGs are sustainable development goals which are a global action plan to end poverty, reduce inequality, protect the environment with a target of achievement by 2030 and this is a voluntary target, but Indonesia is committed to participating declared as a country that will achieve the SDGs by 2030 because this is in line with our goals as a nation.

Development Coordination Officer, Economist-UN Resident Coordinator's Office Diandra Pratami said there were 17 SDGS goals which had actually been in the negotiation process since 2015, which were adopted by all leaders of UN member countries including Indonesia to not leave a single person behind in this development. SDGs are actually very close to everyday life, one of which is getting a decent education and one of the most important is gender equality.

In this activity, a Memorandum of Understanding was also signed between Udayana University and the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management, Ministry of Finance regarding Educational Cooperation and Support for Educational Research and Scientific Development Activities in the Field of State Financial Management.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management, Ministry of Finance, Ubaidi Socheh Hamidi, S.E., M.M said that this collaboration with Unud could later be followed up with collaboration in the fields of education, research and also by providing opportunities for internships for students. One of the duties and functions of the Ministry of Finance is fiscal management, managing the APBN and state finances. So talking about fiscal policy there are two objectives, namely maintaining macroeconomic stability and preparing the fiscal itself. He hopes that the signed MoU can be realized in the spirit of providing mutual benefits to one another.