Udayana University Holds Career Days 2 in 2023, 200 Vacancies Available for Alumni

Udayana University (Unud) through the Career and Alumni Development Unit (UPKA) held Udayana Career Days (UCD) 2 in 2023, at the Nusantara Hall, Agrokomplek Building, Unud Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (22/09/2023). This UCD was held for two days from 22-23 September 2023 and was opened by the Head of the Unud Student Affairs Bureau, Drs. I Ketut Kartika.

Chairman of UPKA Unud Dr. Kadek Dwita Apriani, S.Sos., M.I.P said that the implementation of UCD remains in the spirit that Udayana is committed to contributing to society, especially the people of Bali, in this case UPKA opens the opportunity for all Unud alumni to meet with industry. This activity is not only focused on Unud alumni, but is also open to the public or to graduates from various campuses in Bali to be able to access jobs opened by partner companies. Apart from that, Unud is also committed to helping the government in reducing the number of educated unemployment, especially in the province of Bali, then bringing together industry and the world of education and introducing the quality of graduates at Unud to industries that are willing to join UCD this time.

The number of companies registered in UCD-2 is nine companies from various industrial sectors, including the hospitality, IT and technology, banking and finance, and tourism industries. This activity is a regular annual activity carried out by UPKA and it is estimated that 1,000 participants will attend in two days with a total of 200 vacancies available. Activities carried out during the two days of this activity include company introductions, participants can submit CVs directly and several companies hold direct interviews with their candidates.

One of the representatives of the Partner Company, namely PT. Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk, M Yoga Yudhistira (HR Partner Area Head for East Indonesia and Sumatra) on this occasion said, in the ever-growing career and industry competition, finding the right path can be a challenge. Career Expo is not just an event but a forum that guides them through all challenges and helps graduates and prospective graduates find their passion, goals and opportunities that await. This is also a place where graduates and prospective graduates can connect with professionals and companies to provide various career opportunities according to appreciation, and UCD has something very valuable to offer those who want to develop.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, who was represented on this occasion by the Head of the Unud Student Affairs Bureau, said that UCD, which was held for the second time in 2023, was expected to ensure that Unud would not only produce and educate society, but would also want to contribute to society, especially in Bali. I believe this is a very good process in matching job seekers with companies participating in this UCD.

The hope is that with the presence of these various companies, it is hoped that graduates and the people of Bali can make the best use of this enormous time and opportunity. In this case, UPKA provides a bridge for Udayana University graduates to get jobs as soon as possible, one way is through UCD activities. It is hoped that the activities carried out will run in line with the policies of the Ministry of Education and Culture.