Udayana University Participated in the 1st Assessment Meeting of UI Green Metric Service Packages

Rector of Udayana University (Unud), Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU, opened the 1st Assessment Meeting of UI Green Metric Service Packages which took place online via Zoom Meeting, Wednesday (20/09/2023).

The 1st Assessment Meeting of UI Green Metric Service Packages was attended by the Chair of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., MSc., GreenMatric team expert, Prof.Ir. Kharisun Ph.d. and Ruki Harwahyu S.T., M.T., M,Sc, Ph.D. Those from Udayana University who attended this event were, Chair of LP3M, Chair of LP2M, Udayana University UIGM team.

Prof. Antara said that collaboration and synergy between universities and partners has become a necessity to accelerate a quality and comprehensively integrated education ecosystem. Strengthening cooperation and internationalization is one of the four advantages which are the main basis for realizing the vision of Udayana University, namely the realization of superior, independent and cultured higher education.

Meanwhile, the implementation of strengthening cooperation and internationalization through the UI Greenmetric World University Rankings Network or UIGM World ranking is one of the activities that Udayana University feels is the right choice.

"We have high hopes that through the meetings and assistance carried out on the basis of a cooperation agreement in the activities taking place online today, we will obtain a lot of input, guidance and useful information in order to improve the ranking and quality of the green campus that we are developing," added Prof. Antara.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., MSc. Chairman of the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings, in his speech said that according to reports on sustainability activities carried out for community service, Bali is very leading in developing engagement with the community. For this reason, we would like to express our gratitude to the Chancellor of Unud for being willing to look in detail at what needs to be developed in our programs. Annual reports and evaluations are needed to improve the quality of learning with better infrastructure and programs that pay attention to the economic level of the community. The various reports carried out on research and teaching can be improved from time to time, so that the environment becomes better and the quality of the programs we carry out together is carried out well.