Language Center of Udayana University Holds IELTS Academic Preparation Seminar for Lecturers and Students

Language Center of Udayana University held an IELTS Academic Preparation Seminar in collaboration with IDP IELTS with the theme "Expanding and Leveraging Your Academic Potential Through International English Language Testing System" which took place at the Red Stone Meeting Hall, Grand Mirah Boutique Hotel Denpasar, Thursday (21/09/ 2023).

The seminar, which was attended by 70 participants from lecturers and students, presented two speakers, Mr. Tinto from IDP IELTS with material Introduction to IELTS and Mr. Ahmad Junaedi from Mataram University with IELTS Sharing Session material.

This seminar was opened by the Head of Language Center of Udayana University Sang Ayu Isnu Maharani representing the Rector of Udayana University, in his speech he said that the IELTS Preparation Test Seminar aims to help prospective students understand the exam format, develop listening, reading, writing and speaking skills in English. It is hoped that this will increase their chances of getting the high scores needed to enter the study program they want later.

This seminar can also help participants feel more confident and ready to face the IELTS exam, thereby achieving their educational and career goals later. This seminar has important value in supporting both national and international scholarship requirements, higher education, and work requirements that involve English language skills. Language Center of Udayana University is always open to welcoming various collaborations and efforts to continue to improve services in the language field.