Early Detection to Prevent Drug Abuse, Udayana University Conducts Urine Tests

Udayana University (Unud) in collaboration with the National Narcotics Agency of Bali Province (BNNP Bali) conducted urine tests for Coordinators, Sub-Coordinators in the Unud environment as well as Heads of the Unud Hospital Department at the Widya Sabha Building, Unud Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Monday (18/ 9/23).

Head of the General Bureau of Unud, Ni Made Pertami Susilawati SE., MM, on this occasion said that the implementation of this urine test was an implementation of the National Action Plan (RAN) activities for the Prevention and Eradication of Abuse and Illegal Distribution of Narcotics (P4GN) within the Udayana University environment which is routine every year held. In 2022, urine tests were carried out on 65 officials and work unit leaders in the Unud environment, while this year it was attended by coordinators and sub-coordinators in the Unud environment, the results of this activity will later be reported to the Ministry.

Sub Coordinator for Community Empowerment in the P2M Division of BNNP Bali, Lhyta Noralina Oktaviana, SE., M.M, in this case said that the implementation of the urine test was an implementation of Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2020, one of which is the implementation of drug urine tests. Implementing urine drug testing itself is a form of early detection activity to prevent abuse in the environment of each agency, to create an educational environment that is free from drugs.

By carrying out this urine test, it is hoped that the results will be good and there will be no indications of drug abuse so that together we can create a shining Udayana University environment (Clean from Drugs).