LPPM Udayana University Implements IPACOE in Pupuan Sawah Village Selemadeg Tabanan "The Construction of Water Distribution Networks for Village"

Udayana University Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM Unud) through International Partnership Program and Community Engagement (IPACOE) activities collaborates with expertise from BATI (Bali Appropriate Technology Institute), Wanagiri & Perth Western Australia, Mr. Rus Alit, carried out the development of a water installation from a steep river to people's homes with appropriate technology using a hydraulic pump without electricity, a water storage tank and a water filter tank, in Banjar Adat Pengesan, Pupuan Sawah Village, Selemadeg, Tabanan.

Present at the IPACOE event were the Chair and Secretary of the LPPM Unud (Prof. Suarsana and NMAED Wirastuti, PhD), the Head of the Tabanan Regency Environmental Service (I Gusti Putu Ekayana), the Tabanan Bappeda Representative, the Tabanan Health Service Representative, the Tabanan PUPR Service Representative and the Deputy Subdistrict Head Tabanan, Chairman of BATI (Mr. Rus Alit), Head of Pupuan Sawah Village, I Gusti Putu Suardika, S.Sos., Representative of the Healthy City Regency Forum, Pengesan Traditional Village Leader, Tropical Engineering Students, Faculty of Engineering, service team and Pengesan traditional village residents.

Fulfilling clean water is a very vital need for society, said Prof. Suarsana in his speech. For this reason, LPPM Unud is very enthusiastic in helping the community directly to fulfill their water needs. Sustainability and maintenance of the development of this installation is very important, especially in analyzing quality standards and the quality of water that has been collected and filtered before being distributed to people's homes.

Mr Rus Alit in his presentation as an expert from BATI (Wanagiri & Perth Western Australia) said that appropriate and cheap technology could be realized in the community. There are many other areas with almost the same geographical conditions as the Pengesan Traditional Village, Pupuan Sawah Village. So this program can be used as a pilot project to be implemented in these areas. The Head of Pupuan Sawah Village, I Gusti Putu Suardika, S.Sos., expressed his joy at the presence of LPPM Unud and was grateful for its contribution in realizing the water needs for the Pengesan traditional village residents, who experienced difficulties in getting water for their daily needs.

The IPACOE service activity ended with the installation of pumps and pipes by the LPPM service team, Tropical Engineering students and the Pengesan traditional village community, at the installation location near the river, as well as inspecting the water storage tanks and water filter tanks that had been completed. The location of the reservoir and filter is located on a slope close to people's houses.