BAPETEN Holds Nuclear Safety Seminar at Udayana University Coupled with 2023 Nuclear Products Exhibition

The Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency (BAPETEN) in collaboration with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) Udayana University (Unud) and supported by the Bali Province BNN held a Nuclear Safety Seminar and Nuclear Products Exhibition 2023 on 11 to 12 September 2023 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building Jimbaran Campus. The theme of the seminar is "Improving the Safety and Security of Nuclear Installations and Sources of Ionizing Radiation to Support the Competitiveness of Nuclear Products and Improve Community Welfare".

Committee Chair Dr. Ir. Yudi Pramono, M.Eng said that this year's SKN was attended by 488 offline and online participants from various government agencies, universities, observers and professional associations who are stakeholders spread across Indonesia. Apart from the 2023 ASEANTOM Chairmanship series, and the BAPETEN Anugerah awards which were held in Yogyakarta at the end of August, this year was the starting point for nuclear safety seminars with nuclear product exhibitions, and other popular BAPETEN activities, the exhibition was attended by 22 stands/units from various institutions (13 BUMN and private companies, 9 government institutions including academics), 58 papers presented orally and on posters, and activities involving the National Energy Council (DEN), Ministry of Health (BPFK), Mobile Brigade-POLRI, and others.

For the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Forum which stated that 10 entities (K/L and industrial sector) were present face to face and online, and other activities in the form of public consultations on nuclear product certification, licensing consultations, and socialization of nuclear power plants, it is hoped that the quality of the results will continue to improve in the future.

Meanwhile Acting Head of BAPETEN Ir. Sugeng Sumbarjo, M.Eng in his speech stated that BAPETEN's aim and function is to carry out supervision in ensuring the safety and health of workers, community members, as well as protection of the environment. BAPETEN carries out the Supervisory Function through drafting regulations, issuing permits, and carrying out inspections. The aims and hopes of holding the 2023 Nuclear Safety Seminar (SKN) and Nuclear Product Exhibition include being a medium for exchanging information, knowledge, opinions and experiences on current issues in the field of nuclear safety regulations and technology as well as increasing understanding and awareness about the importance of monitoring the use of nuclear energy.

"Planning for national energy needs, an energy transition scheme is currently being prepared by DEN, regulations for the development and supervision of nuclear power plants have been prepared by BAPETEN, competent human resources are being prepared by universities and no less important is efforts to prevent the nation's young generation from the threat of narcotics abuse. "So collaboration with the National Narcotics Agency is very important where BNN has the task of carrying out the task of preventing, eradicating the abuse and illicit trafficking of narcotics, psychotropics, precursors and addictive substances. Hopefully today's collaboration will be a blessing in itself for the realization of Indonesia Net Zero Emission," said the Acting Head BAPETEN.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika representing the Rector of Unud in his speech said that the collaboration with BAPETEN is certainly in accordance with Unud's function in providing human resources, especially through collaboration in the fields of education, research and community service. The faculty that is following up on this collaboration is the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty through the Physics Study Program which is expected to produce competitive resources, one of which is in the nuclear field.

"We hope that SKN 2023 will not only be an event for cooperation but also a forum for information and socialization of equipment that uses nuclear technology by providing an exhibition of 2023 nuclear products," said the Vice Rector.