For the 6th Time, Udayana University is Holding a Bhakti Desa Seminar

The Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Udayana University (Unud) is holding a VI 2023 Village Service Seminar (SBD) which is coupled with the implementation of the 61st Anniversary of Unud, taking place at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Thursday (7/9/2023).

The seminar was officially opened by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir.I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU and attended by Village Heads and Worker from Bali with the theme "Entrepreneurship Development Based on Local Wisdom and Digital Village in Encouraging Village Independence".

This year's SBD presented four speakers consisting of Expert Staff to the Minister for Development and Community Affairs, Ministry of Villages, PDT and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia, Bito Wikantosa, SS., M.Hum., Director of Digital Economy, Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Adhiarna, M.Eng., Associate Expert Planner, Sub-Directorate for Rural Affairs, Directorate for Regional Development Hindun Barokah, and Deputy for Education and Public Participation of the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission Wawan Wardiana.

Rector of Unud Prof. Antara in his speech said, the Village Service Seminar was a form of gratitude for the contributions of the Head of Worker, Head of Traditional Village and other stakeholders that had been intertwined between Unud and Villages in Bali to remote areas in the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education of Udayana University which included lecture activities at campuses, research by lecturers and students, and community service which is routinely carried out every year in the villages. "Every year no less than 6,000 to 7,000 students carry out community service in two stages which are carried out well, this is due to the good cooperation with the Bekel and Bendesa Adat in the village," he said.

With the presence of the Ministry of Village PDTT, KPK, Bappenas, and the Ministry of Communication and Information at this seminar, it is hoped that they will be able to provide information from the discussions, and can ease their duties as the frontline government representatives who are in direct contact with the community, so that they do not need complicated bureaucracy and information. can be applied in each village. Apart from that, it is necessary to join hands to develop each other's institutions so that they can provide lessons from the cooperation carried out. The greatness of Unud cannot be separated from the contribution of the people on this island of the gods.

At the age of 61 years at Unud, change and progress can be realized, it is proven that until now Unud has 13 faculties, 122 study programs, most of which are very well accredited, has one Udayana General Hospital, one Dental and Oral Hospital which will soon be operational , and one Animal Hospital to be built. Until now, the number of active students at Unud currently amounts to 28 thousand students from all levels, with a campus area of ​​157 hectares on the Bukit Jimbaran campus. Of course, this has challenges in the future to make the campus advanced and able to compete with campuses outside Bali, namely State Universities with Legal Entity (PTN-BH).

What is no less important, Unud has communicated with the Ministry of Villages, there is something important regarding the existence of Perbekel and Bendesa Adat who will work together to organize RPL (recognition of past learning). RPL aims to educate people who have not yet graduated, by not carrying out lectures, but attaching achievements in work programs, so that they are considered to meet the requirements with a count of 144 credits, equivalent to students studying at Unud.

The Rector hopes that this RPL program can be utilized well by Perbekel, Village Heads and village officials to achieve a Bachelor's or Master's degree without having to go to college. "Later on, those who have completed 144 credits related to work and programs in the village can be given a Bachelor's degree. "Ladies and gentlemen, we will give you diplomas and we will graduate here as students carrying out lectures," he said.