The Peak of the 56th Anniversary Celebration of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University "Accelerating Growth, Shaping Tomorrow"

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of Udayana University (Unud) held the highlight of the 56th Anniversary celebration at the FEB Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Saturday (2/9/2023). The event was attended by the Rector of Udayana University, Vice Rectors, Deans, Postgraduate Directors, Institutional and Unit Leaders, Chair of the FEB Senate, Vice Deans, and all the FEB Unud academic community and other invitees.

The Chairman of the I Made Anniversary Committee, Endra Kartika Yudha, in his report said that the celebration of the 56th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business took the theme "Accelerating Growth, Shaping Tomorrow" which is symbolized by a dragon with a combination of blue and orange. Dragons, in this case symbolize prosperity and natural resources. The blue color symbolizes the identity of Udayana University, while the orange color reflects the Faculty of Economics and Business. The combination of blue and orange reflects that the Faculty of Economics and Business is a unit that cannot be separated from Udayana University. One of the implementations of this theme is to encourage and accelerate Bali's economic development. development of Bali.

Apart from that, to encourage the acceleration of science development at FEB Unud, we hold international conferences and seminars. This year's Anniversary is relatively special because for the first time holding an international conference entitled 1st ICONICS (International Conference on Economics and Business) and also carrying out regular activities, namely the International Seminar which will be held on September 1, 2023 offline and online. The activity was attended by participants from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Australia, Japan, Germany, USA and Timor Leste. In international seminar activities, alumni and lecturers are also involved as speakers to provide professional experience and experience from research results for all of us in order to improve the quality of science development at FEB Unud.

Meanwhile, the Dean of FEB Unud Agoes, Ganesha Rahyuda, in this case said, Dies Natalis is an occasion for contemplation of why we exist, what we have done, and where we are going. Of course, in the future FEB will always improve the quality of education services where the indicator is the accreditation of study programs. Currently, 85% of study programs at FEB are accredited with superior and A, of course to achieve 100% there is a lot of hard work that must be done. Apart from that, there are also encouragement, demands and also the chancellor's vision to become a World Class University which must be outlined in various work programs so that the study programs owned by FEB Unud are able to achieve international accreditation so that the chancellor's vision can later be realized.

In this case the Dean of FEB also conveyed the reputation of the faculty, achievements related to the performance of FEB Unud both at national and international levels. 56 years old is not a young age anymore. This age shows that this Faculty already has a lot of experience and has great potential to become the main engine and barometer of the economic and business education industry at national and international levels. Therefore, the Dean invites all elements who are members of the FEB Unud Family Agency to increase cooperation, both related to the learning process, research and community service activities that are relevant to current community needs. "Let's us accelerate growth, shaping tomorrow," he said.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara on this occasion said, today we celebrate the 56th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business, the academic community of Udayana University on behalf of all leaders conveys congratulations and success, hopefully the Faculty of Economics and Business is able to realize its vision and mission. The hope is that the achievements that have been achieved in the fields of student affairs, governance and human resources that have been achieved so far by the Faculty of Economics and Business at Udayana University can hopefully be further improved in the future.

Prof. Antara is confident that the Faculty of Economics and Business and the entire academic community are able to create a Faculty of Economics and Business that is more advanced in the future and which will make more contributions to Udayana University. IKU's achievements are important but what is even more important is internationalization and the Faculty of Economics and Business has started this by accrediting several study programs, especially ABEST21 in the Master of Management, then AUN-QA, FIBAA and so on. "Hopefully in the future the economics and business faculty will be even more successful," he said.