Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University Held the 45th Faculty of Agriculture Family Board (BK FP)

The Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (FP Unud) held the 45th Faculty of Agriculture Family Board (BK FP) with the theme of Strengthening the Internationalization of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University. The 45th BK FP implementation began with a Leisure Walk with the Rector of Udayana University along with the Vice Rectors and the academic community of FP Unud. The event continued with a friendly celebration of BK FP's anniversary at Udayana University's green space, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar (Saturday, 1/9/2023).

Rector of Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara conveyed several messages during this FP BK moment in terms of evaluating previous achievements so that they become a benchmark in advancing FP in the future. The Rector also expressed his gratitude for all the achievements that have been carried out so far which are very extraordinary related to the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and other supporting programs for the advancement of Udayana University.

Regarding the achievements of the University's KPI and international accreditation which is a challenge at this time, FP is currently carrying out good achievements, internationalization related to excellent study programs has also begun to appear and will be given full encouragement from the University to immediately get international accreditation. The Rector advised that the quality of the achievements of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education at FP Unud continue to be improved so that the public's interest and interest in educating their children at FP Unud will improve in the future.

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana said that the anniversary celebration this time was a special moment because it was the anniversary for the end of office for the dean's team for 2023, of course for future leaders it is hoped that everything that has been achieved of course with the current human resources is able to bring FP Unud to the highest level again . FP is currently starting to internationalize through the Bachelor of Agribusiness study program, then study programs that have been accredited as superior can be prepared for internationalization accreditation. FP will always strive for improvements towards internationalization.