Welcoming the 61st Anniversary, Udayana University Holds a Footsteps of Prabu Udayana

Udayana University (Unud) carried out the Prabu Udayana Walk in order to welcome the 61st Anniversary on Thursday (31/08/2023) to coincide with the Third Rahina Purnama Sasih. The annual Napak Tilas implementation is carried out by praying at several temples in the Gianyar Regency area, starting with Gunung Kawi Temple, Tirta Mengening Temple, Tirta Empul Temple and finally at Durghakutri Temple.

The implementation of the 61st Anniversary Walkthrough was attended by the Rector, the Vice Rectors, the Chair of the Senate then the Deans along with staff from 13 faculties and postgraduate studies, Heads of Bureaus and Heads of Institutions along with their staff, work unit leaders, DWP Unud and the Anniversary committee. This Prabu Udayana Retreat aims to pray for the safety and smooth running of every activity carried out in commemoration of the Anniversary, which will culminate on September 29 2023.

Chairman of the Committee for the 61st Anniversary of Unud I Gede Pasek Pramana, SH., MH said that there were a series of activities that had been prepared by the committee which would be implemented in August and September. In general, the activities carried out are related to the educational sector, such as seminars, then community service involving LPPM and there are also supporting events of a family nature involving the entire academic community. The hope is that with the various activities carried out and in accordance with the Anniversary theme, namely "Building Synergy, Creating Achievement", we can build synergy so that in the future Unud can be even more solid.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara said that as a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation, today a remembrance of Prabu Udayana was carried out in commemoration of the 61st Anniversary. The Rector thanked all the civitas who had participated and also the committee that had prepared this trail activity. We use this moment to evaluate the things that have been done in the last year and think about relevant programs to be carried out in the next year.

The Rector hopes that through the spirit of this 61st Anniversary, all the obstacles and difficulties experienced this past year, with the blessing of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa and Prabu Udayana, we can achieve our common goal of becoming a university that plays a greater role in improving human resources not only in Bali. but also to become a university that improves human resources at the national level.

"Of course, this is a moment to pray together and take steps together to welcome Udayana's new paradigm, namely the transformation from PTN BLU to PTN BH, that is a common goal," said the Rector of Unud.

With the cooperation and hard work of the entire academic community and units within Udayana University, it is hoped that these goals can be achieved.