Udayana University Faculty of Medicine Proposes the Opening of a Clinical Nutrition Study Program

The Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) carried out Field Evaluation Activities in the framework of the Proposed Opening of the Clinical Nutrition Study Program, Specialist Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, which took place at the Angsoka Building, 4th floor, Prof. Hospital. Dr. I.G.N.G Ngoerah Denpasar, Thursday, 08/31/2023. This evaluation activity was attended by a team of 6 evaluators from LAM-PTKes, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and all prospective lecturers teaching specialist clinical nutrition study programs.

The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja said that this was quite a long journey for the Unud FK Team to propose the new study program until it was time for this evaluation stage. Udayana University is very interested in opening this Clinical Nutrition Study Program because there are many human resources that need to be improved in the field of clinical nutrition and there are already interested people who are looking at this specialist program.

With the presence of the evaluator team, the Vice Rector hopes that input for the smooth opening of the Clinical Nutrition PPDS regarding infrastructure, human resources and other matters related to the opening of this study program which still need to be completed will be made to be perfected as much as possible. This Clinical Nutrition Study Program is a rare study program if permitted to be opened at Udayana University, and will be the 4th in Indonesia. Later, if it is successfully opened, the Clinical Nutrition Study Program will become the 124th study program owned by Unud.

It is hoped that the implementation of this evaluation activity can provide meaningful input and a better assessment of the opening of this new study program at Udayana University.