Nongan People's Festival 2023: Mahayana Sanggar Art Performance Collaboration to Release Udayana University KKN Students

The first of the Mahayana Studio's birthdays coincided with the release of Udayana University Student Community Service (KKN) period XXVII in 2023, an art performance event with the theme "Salunglung Sabayantaka" was held. This series of events was enlivened by various art performances and other entertainment.

The Nongan People's Party "Salunglung Sabayantaka" with lively culture and art was busily attended by the public, from various walks of life also packed the Sengol Nongan Market, Saturday (26/08/2023) at 18.00 WITA. This is the first art festival held in Nongan Village with the theme "Salunglung Sabayantaka" which means mutual cooperation in difficult times. This party has brought happiness and togetherness to thousands of Nongan residents and visitors from all over.

This party was attended by important figures, including the Head of the Mahayana Studio, Head of Nongan Headquarters, Head of Banjar Service, as well as representatives of Babinsa and Babinkamtibmas, as well as Assistant Lecturer in KKN Field Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Pramesemara, S.Ked, M.Biomed, Sp.And. The series of events took place solemnly, starting with the enchanting Pendet Dance as a form of welcome. The Indonesia Raya ceremonial ceremony also evokes the spirit of nationalism.

With this series of interesting events, of course evoking a sense of love for ancestral heritage, the attendees were presented with a variety of dazzling performances. Famous performers also graced the stage, including Made Rasta, a talented singer who hypnotized the audience with his melodious voice. Meanwhile, Bondres comedians with Balinese jokes managed to evoke laughter, and the Topeng Jauk Keras dance stomped the stage with meaningful movements. Not to forget, art performances from the Mahayana Studio also amaze with the beauty and richness of the culture presented.

"This Mahayana studio was founded on the basis of my interest in traditional music, namely gamelan blonding," said Ida Made Dwipayana in his speech.

The birthday moment at the Nongan Folk Festival 2023 made him review the meaning of the establishment of this studio, by looking at the potential and talents of children in the arts, namely traditional music, dance and others. Of course this needs to be developed for him so that the preservation of local Balinese culture is maintained.

The event for the release of the XXVII period of Udayana University Community Service Students was a touching moment for the students themselves and a number of Nongan Village residents who felt the impact of the 42 days of dedication.

“We realize that the knowledge we have is not up to par with the wisdom and experience that already exists in this village. We hope that through the programs we have implemented, although maybe not many, at least we have made a positive contribution to the village," said Axl Baskara as the village coordinator in his remarks.

The 2023 Nongan Folk Festival has proven that the diversity of local culture and arts has an undeniable appeal. This event is not only pleasing to the eyes and ears, but also fosters a sense of unity and love for cultural roots. The Nongan people welcome guests and visitors with open arms, inviting everyone to feel the warmth and strong spirit of togetherness in every appearance and attraction. May the Nongan Folk Festival continue to be a tradition that preserves and celebrates the richness of local culture for generations to come.