Vice Rector III of Udayana University Attends as a Speaker for National Entrepreneurship Development FGD, Conveys the Topic of the Role of Higher Education in Growing Entrepreneurship Among Students

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana representing the Rector of Udayana University (Unud) was appointed as a resource person in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on National Entrepreneurship Development with the theme "Entrepreneurship Collaboration: Building Synergy for Future Entrepreneurs" which was held by the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia at Grand Mega Resort & Spa Bali, Monday (21/8/2023) The topic presented by Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana regarding the Role of Higher Education in Growing Entrepreneurship Among Students.

The FGD also presented several other speakers including the Director for Cooperative and UKM Development Bappenas with material Directions and Policies for the National Entrepreneurship Development Program, Assistant Deputy for Community Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs with material on Strengthening Cross-Sectoral Cooperation in Entrepreneurship Development, Director SUPD III-Ministry of Home Affairs with material on Policies and Regulations supporting the Development of National Entrepreneurship in the Regions, and the TDA Community (TBC) with material on Community Support in Entrepreneurial Growth and Development.

This activity was carried out to support National Entrepreneurship Development as well as an effort to increase the ratio of entrepreneurship, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs to accelerate community activity, especially young people, as well as strengthen synergy between stakeholders in supporting the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The purpose of this FGD is to socialize and socialize Presidential Regulation Number 2 of 2022 concerning National Entrepreneurship Development; encouraging synergies between the central and regional governments, as well as various stakeholders in the development of national entrepreneurship; as well as obtaining input and recommendations from stakeholders as material for preparing the national entrepreneurship development program.

One of the important points in the national entrepreneurship development business model is the involvement of all stakeholders (educational institutions, the private sector, incubator institutions, communities, local governments, etc.) in Indonesia which is very crucial. The role of tertiary institutions is also very important, one of which is by encouraging science and technology-based entrepreneurship spin-offs, so as to produce entrepreneurs who are innovative, competitive, and ready to fight, both in the domestic and global markets. The role of the community is as a business aggregator that facilitates business actors to use business networks to provide support and facilitation of market access, distribution, and access to raw materials widely, including being a bridge for the implementation of government policies and programs that continue to develop dynamically with the times. and global economic trends.