Udayana University Scout UKM through the Ormawa PPK Program Fostering the Potential of Moringa Leaves in Songan Village

The Racana Udayana-Mahendratta Scout Student Activity Unit (UKM) through the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening program (PPK Ormawa) conducts training on the potential for processing Moringa leaves into tea and boreh as traditional medicine in Toga Village, Songan B Village, Kintamani, Bangli Regency.

The activity was opened on Tuesday (08/08/2023) in the Meeting Room of Songan B Village, Kintamani, Bangli and was attended by the Character Development and Community Service Unit (UPKP) Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University (Unud), Assistant Lecturer for PPK Ormawa RUM 2023, Head of Songan B Village and PKK of Songan B Village.

PPK Ormawa UKM Pramuka Udayana University implements programs for community development and empowerment in Songan B Village, including Socialization of the 2022 Ormawa PPK Program, Training on Moringa Leaf Management, Product Promotion Training and Financial Management Training. This program was carried out for approximately 6 months with the target group namely the Songan B Village PKK and local farmer groups.

Secretary of the Character Development and Community Service Unit (UPKP) Student Affairs Bureau I Gusti Ngurah Apriadi Aviantara representing the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs said that through this activity it could provide space for students to develop skills and knowledge. In addition, it is an opportunity for students to be trained in conveying this processing scientifically in society. He added that Udayana University in the Ormawa PPK activities supports all forms of facilities, while financial support is obtained from the ministry after the funding proposal is approved. "Furthermore, continue to communicate the extent of progress and can be followed up again by students as mediators," he said.

During the process, this activity was also supported through assistance provided by the Ormawa PPK Assistant Lecturer Dr. Ir. Ni Luh Gde Sumardani, S. Pt., M.Sc. He said that in the previous year's program, PPK Ormawa focused on managing shallots, while in 2023 it will focus on Moringa plants which have many benefits. "We are bringing technology knowledge to Songan B Village so we can process moringa into tea and boreh and can market it widely," he said.

The selection of Songan B Village as a fostered village with the aim of increasing welfare in the village, provides a space for business distraction for sustainable farmer groups.

Meanwhile, the Head of Songan B Village, I Ketut Saturday, positively welcomed the community development activities of Songan B Village. He said that even though the management of moringa plants had slightly decreased, there were still some points that could be developed further. The planting of Moringa and its use involves the whole community, especially the Village PKK. "With this we invite the public to plant at least one moringa seedling and this can be done well and is beneficial to the community," he said.