Udayana University and the University of Indonesia Hold a Field Tennis Friendly Competition

Udayana University (Unud) and the University of Indonesia (UI) held a friendly tennis match at the JASDAM UDAYANA Tennis Court, Kepaon Denpasar, Saturday (29/7/2023). This friendly match was attended by leaders, teaching staff and employees from both universities and also from the Unud Hospital, Prof. Ngoerah Hospital, as well as elements from the Regional Military Command and the Regional Police.

This activity is also a series of celebrations for the 2023 UI Anniversary and strengthens the relationship of cooperation and friendship between Udayana University and the University of Indonesia.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Unud Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika on the occasion said that this activity was a very interesting idea to be able to stay in touch, meet each other in a healthy atmosphere and of course we hope to get an atmosphere of joy through this tennis match. On behalf of Unud, he welcomed this gathering event and hoped that it would continue in various activities. The Vice Rector hopes that in the future the Unud team will visit UI to play tennis.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Human Resources and UI Assets, Prof. Dedi Priadi said that this activity was called cheerful tennis between UI and Udayana University. This match is a friendly match, where it is hoped that there will be friendship between UI and Udayana, hopefully bringing familiarity and community. In this match there is no winning or losing, both are happy. Through this opportunity, his party also thanked Unud for accepting the arrival of the UI Team and hopefully this friendship can be continued and the Unud Team can visit UI for a similar match.