Language Center of Udayana University Holds a Writing Test for Candidates for Non ASN Employees at the Sanjiwani Hospital, Gianyar

The writing test activity was carried out in order to follow up on the PKS (Cooperation Agreement) between the Sanjiwani Gianyar Hospital and the Language Center of Udayana University in procuring an English competency test for non-ASN prospective employees within the Sanjiwani Hospital environment.

The writing test starts from 09.00 – 11.30 with rooms divided into three rooms on the 1st and 2nd floors located in the Language UPT Udayana University building, Sudirman Campus Denpasar (26/7/2023).

In carrying out the test, representatives of the Sanjiwani Hospital, Putu Awan Saputra and Dewa Gede Agung Darma Putra, Inspectorate were also present; Ni Ketut Sari, I.A.G Purnama Dewi and Wayan Karjaningsih, and the Attorney General's Office; Made Hendra to ensure the smooth implementation of the written test for prospective non ASN employees.

The implementation of the test is supervised by educational staff or lecturers from the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Law, Udayana University. The aspect of the written test which is an important point is how non ASN employee candidates are able to present personal opinions using good and correct English rules.