File Verification and Interview for the Bidikmisi Applicants of SBMPTN Line 2015

Bukit Jimbaran - On Wednesday to Thursday, July 22 to 23, 2015, taking place in Widyasabha Auditorium, Bukit Jimbaran campus, the file verification and interview for Bidikmisi applicants of SBMPTN Line 2015 was held. This activity was held at 10 a.m - 3 p.m, attended by 303 applicants. The chairman of the organizing committee, Prof. Wijaya, the vice chairman, Mr. Adi Arta Yasa, the head of BAK, Mr. Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Indra Kecapa, M.Ed were officially in charge of the activity. It was being selected by the 3rd Vice Dean of the respective faculties, section head of the respective faculties, the old receivers of Bidikmisi in the name of UKM FGBU.

The assessment matrix for Bidikmisi scholarship was categorized into 3:

1. Very Deserved: the applicants deserved to get the Bidikmisi scholarship without any confirmation visit to their house, but only by showing KIP card (Smart Indonesian Card) and BSM (Scholarship for the Poor).

2. Deserved with visitation: the applicants deserved to get the Bidikmisi scholarship, but they needed visiting for confirmation first.

3. Not Deserved: the applicants did not deserve to get the Bidikmisi scholarship.The visitation was held on July 24, 2015. Bidikmisi scholarship receivers 2015 were announced on July 27, 2015. The result of the verification was set by the decree and the scholarship fund would be given along with the scholarship fund for SBMPTN Line and Mandiri Line in September.

For the non Bali scholarship receiver in particular would get Resettlement Fund: transportation cost reimbursement and pocket money) from higher education directorate by showing transportation cost receipt. (NE)