Udayana University Holds Technical Guidance on Service Manuscript Management

Udayana University (Unud) through the General Bureau held Technical Guidance on Official Document Management, Tuesday (25/06/2023) in the Hall Room of the Library Building, Bukit Jimbaran Unud Campus. This Technical Guidance was officially opened by the Head of the General Bureau, Ni Made Partami Susilawati, SE., MM, and was attended by all employees with the positions of General Administration and Leadership Secretary within Udayana University.

This technical guidance presented two speakers namely Dr. I Wayan Gayun Widharma, SE., M.Sc (Coordinator of TU, ​​RT and HTL) and Made Widhiartha, S.Sc., M.Kom (Secretary of USDI Data and Statistics).

The Head of the General Bureau of Udayana University, Ni Made Partami Susilawati, SE., MM, in the opening of this Technical Guidance, said that the official script layout had been prepared from 2016 in accordance with the Rector's Regulation of Udayana University Number 2. In accordance with these rules, a uniform official script layout should have been implemented within Unud, however, as observed and observed at this time, the administration of official scripts is not in accordance with the Rector's Regulations in its application.

It is hoped that the Technical Guidance participants will really pay attention to the material presented by the resource persons, so that in the future when making official scripts the layout can be uniform in all faculties and work units within Unud. "If problems are found in its implementation, it is hoped that through the implementation of this Technical Guidance later the problems can be directly discussed with the resource person," said the Head of Bureau.

The output of the implementation of this Technical Guidance is to increase the ability of Udayana University human resources in making official manuscripts in accordance with the Rector's Regulations and increasing the quality of public services and performance accountability within Udayana University.