Udayana University Holds Socialization of Independent Campus Learning Development Program for Independent Campus, Increasing IKU 2 Achievements

Denpasar - Udayana University (Unud) through the Student Affairs Bureau held an IKU 2 Achievement Socialization through the Independent Campus Learning Development Village Program at the Hall Room of the Postgraduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Tuesday (25/7/2023). This activity was attended by Vice Deans for Student Affairs, Undergraduate Study Program Coordinators, Supervisors, and students with speakers from the Head of the MBKM Unud Unit Dr. I Ketut Sardiana.

Head of the Character Development and Community Service Unit (UPKP) of Udayana University Ir. I Nyoman Budiastra, M.Kes in his report explained, this socialization activity is in order to provide opportunities for students to carry out independent campus learning activities in accordance with Permendikbud number 3 of 2020 relating to independent learning in which there are 9 activities that are proclaimed and one of them is building a village. Where in the activities of building this village several activities have been carried out related to the KKNT and also by BKM Bina Desa grant activities.

This activity is also to follow up on the PPK Ormawa program which is an achievement activity that we also host where from several Ormawa who have not been fortunate enough to be funded through this socialization we direct it to village development activities to provide opportunities to carry out community service activities in the village. Apart from that, students from each study program at Unud were also invited to be involved in community service activities in the form of village development which also helped achieve the 20 percent targeted by the Ministry of KPI achievement, one of which was IKU 2.

"In this activity, we hope that those present can follow up on the activity agenda that we are carrying out, namely the village development proposal," said the UPKP Chair.

The resource person is expected to provide detailed material related to the village development program and also its conversion to support MBKM activities.

While the Vice Rector Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech said that this activity is very important because it is a part of our IKU 2 achievement. IKU 2 is related to the number of students who carry out as many as 20 credits off campus or the minimum number of outstanding students at the national level. So there are 2 indicators in KPI 2 to achieve this. Of course we can't just rely on flagship MBKM such as MSIB apprentices, WMK and so on from the Ministry, therefore we at Unud create an Independent MBKM to achieve that. The achievement of 20 percent is also very difficult, where every year it has increased but is still below 20 percent.

"We hope that in 2023 we can reach or reach 20 percent, we have exceeded 20 percent. Of course, in this way, we are increasing MBKM Mandiri because flagships are very limited and the competition is also very tight," said Prof. Ngakan.

We encourage the Mandiri MBKM, one of which is Village Development, then there is disaster mitigation, Thematic KKN and also independent research with funding from LPPM and other activities that can be recognized as independent studies. This activity is not limited to PPK Ormawa but also provides opportunities for other students. For this reason, it is hoped that the participants who are present can listen to explanations from sources regarding this independent MBKM program.