Nice Collaboration between Study Programs, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Again Brings Home 2 National Achievements

The problem of garbage and waste that has not been handled properly is the background for students of the Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Study Program at Udayana University to create innovations as solutions for handling waste and waste, especially in the Province of Bali. Through mentoring by supervisor Putu Cinthya Pratiwi Kardita, students create environmentally friendly paving block materials made from local waste and design automatic composting equipment at the household level.

"We realize that the biggest source of organic waste comes from households. This waste can be managed and the results of the composting can be used directly for the households themselves. However, currently there are still many people who are lazy to manage organic waste because it smells bad and is impractical in the process," said Shasanka Khamani, as Head of the Moirai Team.

Angga Prayoga, as a member of the Moirai Team from the Mechanical Engineering Study Program class of 2021, added that the results of the competition he participated in still received a lot of input from the jury. One of them is related to mechanical and material calculations used as the main material for making this automatic composting device.

In addition to the automatic composting tool, the Flashwin Team, who presented the topic of environmentally friendly paving blocks made from canang waste, tabas stone, and rice husk ash, said that the potential for waste in Bali Province is increasing along with the celebration of Hindu religious ceremonies. The potential of this waste is also suitable to be used as a substitute for conventional construction materials. In its development, this paving block still requires in-depth testing related to characteristics and physical tests in the laboratory.

The innovations of these two student groups won national awards at the 2023 Gema Teknologi National Scientific Writing Competition held by the Mechanical Engineering Student Family, Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah University Surakarta, including:

1. The second winner was won by Dwy Julian Tyaningrum, Lelly Erlita, and Kadek Andry Prayudha Civil Engineering students at Udayana University class of 2022.

2. The second runner-up was won by Made Shasanka Khamani Pande and Demelza Fidelia Adalde, Civil Engineering students at Udayana University class of 2022, and Angga Prayoga Tarigan, a Mechanical Engineering student at Udayana University class of 2021.