Rector of Udayana University Attends Farewell to the Bali Police Chief

Rector of Udayana University (Unud) Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara attended the Farewell ceremony for the Bali Police Chief from Inspector General of Police Drs. Putu Jayan Danu Putra, SH., M.Si to Inspector General of Police Ida Bagus KD Putra Narendra, SIK., M.Si at the Bali Police Headquarters, Sunday (16/7/2023). This activity was attended by the Vice Governor of Bali, FKPD, Bali DPRD, Regents/Mayors, Religious Leaders, Traditional Leaders and Academics as well as other invitees.

Inspector General of Police Putu Jayan Danu Putra in his remarks said that during his 2 years and 7 months as the Bali Police Chief, of course there were many things in his daily life as the Bali Police Chief in carrying out his Police duties to maintain security and order. The successes that have been achieved are of course the support of all parties and it is hoped that all the people of Bali and Forkompinda can work together with the new officials later. Through this opportunity his party also asked for blessings in the new assignment to be able to carry out the task properly.

Meanwhile, the new Bali Police Chief Inspector General Pol Ida Bagus KD Putra Narendra conveyed that the trust that had been given as Bali Police Chief would be carried out as well as possible. This mandate is also a joy and pride for the new Regional Police Chief because he can serve in his own ancestral land. This assignment as the Bali Police Chief is his first time on duty in Bali after traveling around the world in various regions in Indonesia.

Through this opportunity the new Bali Police Chief asks for the blessing and support of the Governor of Bali, Forkompinda elements, agency leaders, community leaders, religious leaders and other parties as well as asking for input and suggestions that are constructive and innovative in supporting the success of the task of maintaining and maintaining conducive community security and order on the island of Bali.