Archives Center of Udayana University Receives Archival Fundamentals Technical Training Visitation Batches 3 and 4

Participants in Archival Fundamentals Technical Training Batch 3 and 4 conducted a Good Practice visitation to the Archives Center of Udayana University which took place on Friday 14 July 2023. This visitation was received by the TU, RT and HTL Coordinator Dr. I Wayan Gayun Widharma, SE., M.Sc, who was accompanied by the Sub Coordinator of the Archival Unit Putu Rosa Martika, S.Sos.

The Chief Executive of Archive Basics Training in Bali Jarni, S.Pd., M.Pd. on this occasion expressed his gratitude for being given permission to visit the Archives Center of Udayana University. This visitation was a series of technical training on the basics of archiving which in this case was attended by participants from the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology in the areas of Bali, East Java, NTB and NTT.

The purpose of participating in this Archival Basics Technical Training is to increase the competence of archivists in understanding the concepts of dynamic and static archive management, knowing the history of archives, understanding active archive management, understanding inactive archive management, understanding static archive management and understanding archives as collective memory nation.

Archiving Basics Technical Training can also be useful for archivists and archive managers within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology so that they can understand, understand and carry out archive management properly and correctly in work units and can directly benefit the interests of organizations, as well as the interests of the state broadly in terms of saving and preserving archives of historical value in the field of education and culture as well as achieving archival management, efficiency and availability of archival information.

TU, RT and HTL Coordinator Dr. I Wayan Gayun Widharma, SE., M.Sc as a resource person from Udayana University on this occasion presented material entitled "Archival Management at Udayana University". Archival Basics Technical Training participants also made direct visits to the Archives Center to see archive management and storage, as well as to find out firsthand how the real condition of archive management is in the field.