Involve Universities, the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education and Culture Holds a Campaign to Cultivate Anti-Fraud

The Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education and Culture held a Campaign to Cultivate Anti-Fraud at the Pullman Bali Legian Beach Hotel, Wednesday (12/7/2023). The campaign to cultivate anti-fraud was carried out simultaneously in four cities, namely Denpasar, Makassar, Samarinda and Manado. This activity was attended by participants from the Bali Cultural Preservation Center, the Bali Provincial Education Quality Assurance Center, the Bali Language Center, the Bali Provincial Mobilization Teacher Center, the Bali Open University UPBJJ, Udayana University, Ganesha University of Education, Bali State Polytechnic and the Indonesian Art Institute Denpasar. This activity presented speakers from BPKP Representatives, PPATK, the High Court and Inspectorate General Auditors. While the material presented was best practice Anti-Fraud strategy in the education environment, socialization of anti-money laundering and prevention of the financing of terrorism, handling of complaints indicating corruption by law enforcement officials and the WBS complaint mechanism and other complaint facilities.

Protection Investigation Inspector Saut Maruli Sirait in his report conveyed that this activity was an effort by the investigative inspectorate to oversee, manage the budget and educational activities at the Ministry of Education and Culture and technical implementing units through prevention efforts. The purpose of this activity is a prevention program, which is socializing the anti-bribery management system program and anti-fraud strategy so that each work unit can develop tools to prevent and control fraud. This activity is also a form of implementation of the collaboration between the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the KPK which is used to open facilities and complaints of fraud for employees. This activity is also a form of cooperation with PPATK to prevent or prevent ASN from criminal acts of money laundering and acts of terrorism.

"It is hoped that the results of this socialization action will be transmitted or disseminated to all employees in their work units and can also implement these programs in their respective work units," said the Investigation Inspector.

While the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture Dr. Chatarina Muliana in her speech conveyed that fraud or cheating is defined as an intentional act of dishonesty to take something, gain profit in ways that are against the rules that can harm the state or other people. Fraud or fraud is not always shown in the form of a crime but the results of the fraudulent act result in large losses and have an adverse effect on people's lives and government. The impact of fraud is so great that it is hoped that policy makers or budget managers will know what fraud is and build a system to prevent fraud from occurring. The Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education and Culture as APIP has the task of overseeing the budget for the education function sourced from the APBN. In this escort effort, it is necessary to prevent fraud starting from outreach, dissemination and also through other supervisory process actions.

"Therefore, the Cultivating Anti-Fraud activity is a form of socialization that will build, shape the behavior of all government officials to be able to carry out actions in carrying out their duties by upholding the values ​​of integrity," said the Inspector General.