The Ministry of Education and Culture's Higher Education Financing Service Center Conducts Monitoring and Evaluation of Excellence Scholarships at Udayana University

The Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University (Unud) in collaboration with the Higher Education Financing Service Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture conducted monitoring and evaluation (monev) of the Superior Scholarships (BU) which took place on Friday, July 7 2023 in the Nation Room of the Udayana University Rectorate Building.

The monitoring and evaluation was attended by Septian Prima Diasari S.Kom., M.Sc as the coordinator of the Working Group on Higher Education Scholarships at the Ministry of Education and Culture's Education Financing Service Center, Dr. Tatang Supriatna as the Sub-Coordinator of the Puslapdik Excellence scholarships at the Ministry of Education and Culture and from Udayana it was attended by Ketut Desi Anggraeni Sulistiawati, SE, MM as the Student Welfare Coordinator who in this case represents the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University.

Featured Scholarships are domestic scholarships for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral levels which are given to people who excel and can be followed by prospective students who already have an acceptance letter at a tertiary institution. This scholarship is also given to students who have held lectures for a maximum of semester 3 (all levels) when registering. Besides that, Featured Scholarships are also given to civil servants within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology to continue their education in Masters and Doctoral Programs at home or abroad with a study assignment mechanism.

The monitoring and evaluation was attended by 29 students receiving superior scholarships. Apart from universities in Bali, scholarship recipients from universities outside Bali also attended.

The Featured Scholarship is a prestigious scholarship, apart from the limited quota, it is also a favorite scholarship. Apart from being funded by UKT, the recipients of this scholarship also receive high living expenses and book fees, so that many students are competing to qualify for this scholarship selection.

From 2019 to 2021, there are 11 students who have passed to receive the Superior Scholarship at Udayana University, while 1 person each for Masters and Doctoral degrees. In the future, it is hoped that the quota for superior scholarships can increase, so that more Unud students qualify as recipients of superior scholarships.